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Feed items 1 - 10 of 20 for September 2008

The complete plants database

Find all the facts about plants, their families and where they are okay to put for best growing capabilities.

Gyrostomum Fr. - September 16, 2008

Basic facts:Plant family:GraphidaceaeSymbol:GYROSPlease visit the site for more information on Gyrostomum Fr.names of flowers

Astragalus semibilocularis DC. - September 16, 2008

Basic facts:Plant family:FabaceaeSymbol:ASSE19Please visit the site for more information on Astragalus semibilocularis DC.list of flower names

Synandra hispidula (Michx.) Britt. - September 16, 2008

Basic facts:Plant family:LamiaceaeSymbol:SYHIPlease visit the site for more information on Synandra hispidula (Michx.) Britt.different types of flowers

Chloris elata Desv. - September 16, 2008

Basic facts:Plant family:PoaceaeSymbol:CHEL3Please visit the site for more information on Chloris elata do plants reproduce

Ambrosia elatior L. - September 15, 2008

Basic facts:Plant family:AsteraceaeSymbol:AMEL2Please visit the site for more information on Ambrosia elatior do plants grow

Aster oblongifolius Nutt. var. rigidulus Gray - September 15, 2008

Basic facts:Plant family:AsteraceaeSymbol:ASOBRPlease visit the site for more information on Aster oblongifolius Nutt. var. rigidulus Graymeaning of flowers

Fragaria virginiana Duchesne var. australis Rydb. - September 15, 2008

Basic facts:Plant family:RosaceaeSymbol:FRVIAPlease visit the site for more information on Fragaria virginiana Duchesne var. australis Rydb.names of flowers

Bromus mucroglumis Wagnon - September 15, 2008

Basic facts:Plant family:PoaceaeSymbol:BRMU4Please visit the site for more information on Bromus mucroglumis Wagnondifferent types of flowers

Punica granatum L. - September 14, 2008

Basic facts:Plant family:PunicaceaeSymbol:PUGR2Please visit the site for more information on Punica granatum do plants reproduce

Calochortus elegans Pursh - September 14, 2008

Basic facts:Plant family:LiliaceaeSymbol:CAELPlease visit the site for more information on Calochortus elegans Purshscientific name of plants
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- September (20 items)
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