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Feed items 11 - 20 of 20 for September 2008

The complete plants database

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Dombeya wallichii (Lindl.) Benth. Hook. ex K. Schum. excluded - September 14, 2008

Basic facts:Plant family:SterculiaceaeSymbol:DOWA2Please visit the site for more information on Dombeya wallichii (Lindl.) Benth. & Hook. ex K. Schum. excludedscientific name of plants

Linanthus liniflorus (Benth.) Greene ssp. liniflorus (Benth.) Greene superfluous autonym - September 14, 2008

Basic facts:Plant family:PolemoniaceaeSymbol:LILILPlease visit the site for more information on Linanthus liniflorus (Benth.) Greene ssp. liniflorus (Benth.) Greene superfluous autonymlist of flower names

Linum berlandieri Hook. - September 12, 2008

Basic facts:Plant family:LinaceaeSymbol:LIBE2Please visit the site for more information on Linum berlandieri do plants grow

Oenanthe javanica (Blume) DC. ssp. javanica - September 12, 2008

Basic facts:Plant family:ApiaceaeSymbol:OEJAJPlease visit the site for more information on Oenanthe javanica (Blume) DC. ssp. javanicalist of flower names

Xanthium chinense P. Mill. - September 12, 2008

Basic facts:Plant family:AsteraceaeSymbol:XACH2Please visit the site for more information on Xanthium chinense P. Mill.scientific name of plants

Claopodium subpiliferum (Lindb. Arnell) Broth. - September 12, 2008

Basic facts:Plant family:LeskeaceaeSymbol:CLSU17Please visit the site for more information on Claopodium subpiliferum (Lindb. & Arnell) Broth.scientific name of plants

Cinclidium latifolium Lindb. - September 12, 2008

Basic facts:Plant family:MniaceaeSymbol:CILA70Please visit the site for more information on Cinclidium latifolium Lindb.names of flowers

Senecio integerrimus Nutt. var. integerrimus - September 11, 2008

Basic facts:Plant family:AsteraceaeSymbol:SEINIPlease visit the site for more information on Senecio integerrimus Nutt. var. integerrimusmeaning of flowers

Arctostaphylos pungens Kunth ssp. chaloneorum (J.B. Roof) J.B. Roof - September 11, 2008

Basic facts:Plant family:EricaceaeSymbol:ARPUC2Please visit the site for more information on Arctostaphylos pungens Kunth ssp. chaloneorum (J.B. Roof) J.B. Rooflist of flower names

Filago germanica L. 1763, non Huds. 1762 - September 10, 2008

Basic facts:Plant family:AsteraceaeSymbol:FIGE2Please visit the site for more information on Filago germanica L. 1763, non Huds. 1762meaning of flowers
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- September (20 items)
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