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Feed items 1 - 10 of 17 for April 2008

Department of Brilliant - April 6, 2008

Just discovering the amazing photos of Brit Peter Ashworth, and the spiky pleasures of online magazine and blog, where I could read and read (and gaze at the super pictures).If you have to be up wayy too early on a Saturday, these are a consolation.

Quote of the Day - April 6, 2008

"Instead of stressing yourself out and checking and Mediabistro and then dashing around the city, try this: simply sit with a cup of chamomile tea in your apartment, read the Want Ads in the newspaper, and circle them with a big red pencil, just like they did back in the 80's before there were fax machines! Your jobless, low-income heart rate will slow in a matter of minutes, and if you recycle the paper, you lessen your carbon footprint! It's funny because this is similar advice...

Neil Budde goes to DailyMe, news aggregator and start page - April 6, 2008

As Paid Content and other report, former Yahoo! news lead Neil Budde's now made public his move to DailyMe, a personalized news startup, as president and chief product officer. This has got to be a global play, as the founder is Eduardo Hauser, former founder of AOL Latin America, another Miami-area based enterprise.It's tempting to wonder if Budde talked to NowPublic, which reportedly has been auditioning CEOs for at least eight months before landing with DailyMe. Interesting, there was some...

Quote of the Day - April 6, 2008

"New love is like snow: it covers everything up beautifully. Marriage counseling is like shoveling."--Lois Smith Brady, writing about marriage, compatability and marital counseling in the NYTimes.

The wild trail of Saturday surfing, aka synchronicity surfaces everytime - April 6, 2008

So I am sitting here, dog snoring at my feet, devouring Coilhouse.Reading about the staff--two (apparently) LA Russians (I have been hanging with some Russians, recently), others. Diving into zoetica's flicker stream and blog, Nadya Lev's amazing photos (and blog).I'm slowly working my way through the pictures, thinking of how my friend Sarah Dopp would like the delicious androgny of some of the images, and I see that one of them has already been selected by Sarah for genderfork, her ...

New blogger welcome: Ryan Kuder jumps in - April 4, 2008

Fellow Ex-Yahoo Ryan Kuder just launched his new blog; he's going to use his social media smarts to do consulting and help companies make the new tools work.Best of luck, dude! Hope it's glorious.

Quote of the Day - April 3, 2008

"You only get to lose your virginity once, so choose your venue wisely."--Wisemeister Dave Winer, reflecting on the TechCrunch40DEMO head-on, with the additional comments: "Honestly, what both conferences say about the technology industry is that it's way over-supplied with new product. "

New study: Social Networks and Connection vs. Reputation - April 3, 2008

Good data from Canadian research firm Pollara, via MediaPost, reporting that adult social media users value the views of experts (think Engadget or Lifehacker) but put more stock in what friends and family think (is this really a surprise)The report says: "Of more than 1,100 adults polled in December, nearly 80% said they were very or somewhat more likely to consider buying products recommended by real-world friends and family, while only 23% reported being very or somewhat likely to consider a.

Layoffs 3.0: Does going back make sense - April 3, 2008

At least three people I know who were laid off at Yahoo! have either been rehired or interviewed for jobs there. It's been interesting to watch that process and think about the very personal pros and cons of returning to a company that deemed you non-essential, only to offer you a spot eight weeks later.For one of my friends, there was a chance to manage people and great promises for the future involved; for another, the lure was security and people he already had worked with before; for a...

Thinking local: Tools, Information vs. Reporting, Objectivity vs. Accuracy - April 3, 2008

I am thinking about information vs. reporting, and how communication is power (think about twitter and how intensely it's becoming the drug of choice for the digital, uh, elite inside the bell jar.)Richard Sambrook of the BBC made a statement last week helped catalyze some ideas I've been thinking about about journalism, blogging, community and sustainability. Richard said (and this is a paraphrase): "In the future, what will matter is not objectivity, but accuracy." In other words, the idea...
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