Velvet Blues Web DesignVelvet Blues offers a wide variety of website-related services such as: complete websites, eCommerce, design, XHTML/CSS slicing, search engine optimization, and content management with custom or open source software such as WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal. Take a look at our portfolio and see for yourself.A Brief History of the Internet- September 7, 2008 In the last three decades, the internet has grown from small and relatively obscure beginnings to something unimaginably large and pervasive. While it seems to have appeared out of nowhere, it has quickly become something that most of us can't imagine living without. But how and when did it get started And what has fueled its super fast growth 4 Controversial Ways To Get Traffic For Your Website- September 6, 2008 Webmasters use many ways to get traffic for their websites, with conventional methods including pay-per-click, search engine optimization, and blogging. But as competition has increased, webmasters have resorted to some very creative means to get visitors and minimize advertising costs. How To Minimize Bandwidth Usage- September 5, 2008 If you have a large, high traffic website, you might have noticed that you are either nearing or exceeding the bandwidth allotment of your hosting plan. To avoid any costly overage fees or downtime, we provide some tips for optimizing your website. Why You Shouldnt Choose A Web Host Solely By Price- September 4, 2008 Today, web hosting packages are cheaper than ever, with many hosts offering feature-packed plans with unlimited resources, all for less than $10 per month! And while this might seem like a good deal, there are a few other factors that you should consider before selecting a hosting plan. Velvet Blues Has Been Featured on September 3, 2008 Believe it or not, our entire website is powered by WordPress, "a state-of-the-art publishing platform" and CMS. And because of it, we have been featured in a web gallery. Google Chrome Is A Developers Dream Realized- September 2, 2008 Google has just released its own proprietary browser called Google Chrome. It has made a very impressive debut and is likely to be very popular among developers. Learn more about it here. More Bad News for Cuil- September 2, 2008 New search engine Cuil is in the news again. And unfortunately, its for another round of bad press. Apparently, their robot web crawler is causing many websites to go down. HostGator Has Gone Green!- September 2, 2008 Just last week, HostGator announced that it had gone green, a move that is likely to be followed by other technological companies in the near future. This is exciting news because the IT sector is responsible for significant energy use. Install Multiple Versions of IE on Your PC- September 1, 2008 Although Internet Explorer 7 was released in 2006, many users still haven't upgraded from IE 6. And believe it or not, there are still people who use obsolete versions such as IE 5.0 and 5.5. And as web developers, we need to ensure that our websites are compatible with all modern versions. In this article, we let you know how to install multiple versions of Internet Explorer on a PC. How To Design Websites For Internet Explorer- September 1, 2008 Previously, we published an article on the versions of Internet Explorer that you should view when testing your website for cross-browser compatibility. In this article, we highlight a few tricks and tips on how to code your website. |