TyphoonsNews and information about typhoons.A glimpse inside the eye of a typhoon - Daily Yomiuri On-Line- September 13, 2008 GUAM--Inside the typhoon's storm zone, we were tossed up and down violently, like a leaf in the wind. A Yomiuri Shimbun reporter and photographer on Friday night had the privilege to be invited aboard a U.S. weather reconnaissance aircraft that flew ...http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/dy/features/science/20080914TDY01303.htm Typhoon Sinlaku hits Taipei - Xinhua News Agency- September 13, 2008 People struggle with their umbrellas against strong winds as Typhoon Sinlaku hits Taipei September 13, 2008. Schools and offices in Taiwan's capital were advised not to open on Saturday and surrounding areas were issued strong weather warnings as a ...http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2008-09/13/content_9975050.htm Landslides as typhoon hits Taiwan - International Herald Tribune- September 13, 2008 TAIPEI : A typhoon pounded Taiwan on Saturday, bringing torrential rains and triggering landslides in the central and northern part of the island, the national fire agency said. One person was reported injured. At 8:00 a.m. British time, typhoon ...http://www.iht.com/articles/reuters/2008/09/13/asia/OUKWD-UK-TAIWAN-TYPHOON.php Typhoon Sinlaku dumps rain on Taiwan - CNN- September 13, 2008 Sinlaku to push into northern sections of Taiwan over the next 24 hours Next Article in World (CNN) -- Typhoon Sinlaku was moving slowly toward the northern shores of Taiwan on Saturday, promising to dump heavy rain on on the region as it crawls ...http://edition.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/asiapcf/09/13/taiwan.typhoon/index.html?iref=mpstoryview Typhoon Sinlaku strengthens, may hit Taiwan - Xinhua News Agency- September 11, 2008 BEIJING, Sept. 11 (Xinhua) -- Typhoon Sinlaku, the 13th tropical storm so far this year, was approaching the eastern coast of Taiwan and may land or skim over northeastern regions of the island on Saturday or Sunday, China's weather authorities said ...http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2008-09/11/content_9928676.htm Typhoon Nuri shuts down Hong Kong - Financial Times- September 11, 2008 HONG KONG, Aug 22 Hong Kong was buffeted by gale force winds on Friday as typhoon Nuri churned toward the major financial hub, with most of the city and its markets shut down in anticipation of a direct hit. The tropical cyclone signal No. 9 was ...http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/da18019a-700e-11dd-b514-0000779fd18c,dwp_uuid=0a8cf74c-6d6d-11da... Strongest Hurricanes Getting Stronger - US News and World Report- September 11, 2008 Strong hurricanes are getting stronger, likely thanks to global warming, a new study finds. The news comes as Tropical Storms Hanna, Ike and Josephine march almost in a line across the Atlantic basin, and just days after Hurricane Gustav slammed into ...http://www.usnews.com/articles/science/environment/2008/09/03/strongest-hurricanes-getting... |