The World And BeyondIn Here we speak about anything in the world, around the world and even outside, within the galaxy.The robotic dog that could revolutionise the military- September 9, 2008 A robot dog that runs, climbs rough terrain and carries heavy loads has become an internet sensation after video footage attracted millions of viewers. BigDog was created by engineering company Boston Dynamics for the American military. The robot, which is the size of a large dog, is powered by a gasoline engine that drives its hydraulic system.In trials the intrepid hound was able to run at 4 Big Bang Experiement- September 9, 2008 Experts around the world are eagerly awaiting the switch on of the world's biggest scientific experiment, and none more so than Professor Stephen Hawking. The 5billion Large Hadron Collider aims to recreate the conditions moments after the Big Bang that created the universe. It could offer Professor Hawking his best chance so far of winning a Nobel prize if it confirms his theory that black City of the future: The giant glass pyramid that could house one million people- September 4, 2008 With its sharp angles and its glass walls shimmering in the sunlight it looks like a piece of modern art.But this innovative design is actually a blueprint for the city of the future - a giant glass pyramid that could house up to one million people.The development, named the 'Ziggurat', will be self sufficient and carbon neutral with power being supplied by wind turbines. No cars will be allowed |