this particular weblog..."only fools worship their tools..." Dee Hock(Untitled)- May 12, 2003 Dance of the Spin Doctors "If you cannot convince them, confuse them." Harry S Truman. (Untitled)- May 12, 2003 Flames of Nazi Oblivion Seventy years ago today, a series of conflagrations lit up the night in a number of German cities. By the standard of the Reichstag fire earlier that year or the firestorms to come in the years ahead, these fires were unimpressive. But each was surrounded by a sizable crowd &151; many people there students and most of them giddy with ideological fervor &151; that fed the flames with piles of books. The aim was to cleanse Germany of un-German literature, "Jewish... (Untitled)- May 12, 2003 CSS Zen Garden I am mainly posting for myself right now, going through my backlog of links. This site is both beautiful and a beautiful example of what you can do through skillful use of a given technolgy. Thanks again metafilter. CSS Zen Garden. CSS Zen and the art of motorcycle website maintainance; a stunning demonstration of what can be accomplished visually through CSSbased design. (Untitled)- May 12, 2003 Bill Gates, Philanthropist The Jesus Nerd. Earth to Bill Gates: Thank you This little editorial that appeared recently is (obviously) dancing on the fringe of cheesiness, but it begs an interesting question about philanthropy and the world's richest man. Gates appeared on Bill Moyers' NOW last night, and was reasonably candid (he used the phrase "failure of capitalism"), mentioning more than once that he intended to give away 95% of his wealth, mostly to aid public health. Our perceptions of... (Untitled)- May 12, 2003 Now Playing: Prince: Emancipation disc 2 (1996 NPG Records) For while I'm getting jiggy with my blog.... (Untitled)- May 10, 2003 "Hey, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!" -- Dr. Strangelove (Untitled)- May 9, 2003 "It is always the best policy to speak the truth--unless, of course, you are an exceptionally good liar." Jerome K. Jerome (Untitled)- May 9, 2003 George W. Bush Axis of Evil World Tour T-Shirt (via the shifted librarian) (Untitled)- May 9, 2003 George Bush and Tony Blair Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize No, really, they were. Like Metafilter says: "And they say irony is dead..." (Untitled)- May 8, 2003 Dance of the Spin Doctors (Thomas Pynchon) "Every day public opinion is the target of rewritten history, official amnesia and outright lying, all of which is benevolently termed "spin," as if it were no more harmful than a ride on a merry-go-round. We know better than what they tell us, yet hope otherwise. We believe and doubt at the same time - it seems a condition of political thought in a modern superstate to be permanently of at least two minds on most issues. Needless to. |