Terry W. Frazier: Collab.klog.kmK-Logs, collaborative environments, and tools for virtual communities.P2P equal Pay2Play- November 26, 2002 The Danish APG got a court order to send invoices for abirtrary amounts to 'priates' based on screen shots of filenames.http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/6/28286.html iTown and Edu Blogging Communities- November 26, 2002 This looks like something that would appeal the the National Writing Project crowd that just met in Atlanta at Georgia State.http://radio.weblogs.com/0109150/categories/collabKlogKm/2002/11/26.html#a974 KM is 'The Game'- November 26, 2002 Something to play besides mini-putt when I have spare computing time...http://www.kmquest.com/index.html Six Sigma and KM- November 21, 2002 The November issues of APQC CenterView has an interesting article on the intersection of KM and Six Sigma disciplines, and using Six Sigma to define knowledge-based processes.http://www.apqc.org/portal/apqc/site/content?docid=109703 Partnership For Success- November 14, 2002 My RSS feed truncates too much of this post -- it's from leaders dot net and is one of the best I've read in a long time and from an (for me) unfamiliar source.http://radio.weblogs.com/0109150/categories/collabKlogKm/2002/11/14.html#a919 Rick's K-log Pilot Report- November 12, 2002 Rick Klau's highly anticipated summary report on a 30-day k-log pilot project.http://radio.weblogs.com/0109150/categories/collabKlogKm/2002/11/12.html#a893 |