The Xavier China Experience JournalTracking the journey of Stallions dwelling on crunchy peanut-cakes and longans!Clearing Up- December 20, 2004 "Like all great travellers, I have seen more than I remember, and remember more than I have seen." (Szion Gan, quoting from Michael Lim, quoting from The Discovery Channel, quoting from Benjamin Disraeli.) Folks, ... XCE WORDS AND IMAGES- December 5, 2004 A shot from our graduation ceremony. More to come soon! Elvin Cobankiat I could still recall the night before I left for China. After I packed my belongings, I felt very confident for the XCE. I expected that the XCE would be a fun-filled experience so ... Mass at Xiamen Church (Student Essay)- December 3, 2004 The Most Memorable Place I Visited During XCE Arnold Lau Matteo Ricci Group Ive been to a lot of places. Ive been to museums, shrines and temples, and learned a lot of stuff about China and the Philippines. But the place I went to last Saturday was ... Wednesday, Dec 01, 2004 Odds & Ends, Part 2- December 1, 2004 Lord God, be our refuge and our strength. Do not hide your face from me; in You we put our trust. (Another perspective of our morning prayer site.) We welcome Mrs. Flora Alfonso who visited us to check on our ... |