The Jason Calacanis WeblogWeblog by Jason Calacanis, formerly of Weblogs, Inc. and AOL.Send me five names, I might send you $3,000 to $15,000 in cash- September 17, 2008 No, I&8217;m still not blogging. I&8217;m having waaaay too much fun doing the email newsletter. In fact I&8217;ve got five email newsletters of between two and five thousands words backed up in the queue that I&8217;m putting the final touches on. If you want to join the mailing list please visit Jason&8217;s List. Mahalo has seven ... Testing WordPress- September 13, 2008 Moved the blog from Blogsmith after five great years. Now hosted on WordPress for posterity, but no I&8217;m not coming back to blogging. I&8217;m enjoying the mailing list waaaaay to much! If you&8217;re interested in reading my thoughts join the mailing list here: http:www.tinyurl.comjasonslist |