A Better Career Articles by itotalsearch.comFree Career Advice from i-TotalSearch Consulting LtdARE YOU AN EFFECTIVE MANAGER A Valuable Technique to Becoming an Effective Manger- (Found July 2, 2008 ) Managing people is always a headache. How do you motivate your staff Do they always seem to fail to follow your instructions Do you think that they're either unqualified for the task or just absent-minded Not only are these questions that as a manager may have about your staff, but often an interviewer may have these same questions when they're looking to hire new managers. The writer of a best-selling book series, Timothy Gallwey, gives us an answer that you may think goes against...http://www.itotalsearch.com/ways-to-become-effective-managers.html USE YOUR IMAGINATION!!! Boost your performance in job interviews!- (Found July 2, 2008 ) This exercise is simple but powerful. You can boost your job interview performance by following a simple exercise - one that lets you use your imagination. Apart from job hutning, you can actually achieve other dreams easily by regularly practising it. Go on reading.....http://www.itotalsearch.com/Use-Your-Imagination.html PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT: The Key Strategy for Success in the Game of Job Hunting- (Found July 2, 2008 ) The more interviews you attend, the more practice you get, and the better you will be at playing the game of job hunting. But what if there is only one position I'm interesed in How about if I apply for many jobs like you've suggested, but none of them invite me in for an interview Here is the answer....http://www.itotalsearch.com/Practice-makes-perfect.html How to write better - another key to your career success- (Found July 2, 2008 ) Many people fail to write because they don't think they can write. But the fact is, you can write. Every one can write. And once you start to write, you improve your reading comprehension, presentation and intellectual ability at the same time. It looks like taking a magic pill that boosts every aspect of your intellectual performance. So practice writing NOW.http://www.itotalsearch.com/How-to-write-better.html Read better - your key to success in life and career- (Found July 2, 2008 ) Reading is your key to survival. We are in the information world. There is no doubt whether we have enough information. What worries us is how we can digest and incorporate the new information in our job and life. Can you imagine that you can grasp more than 50% of the ideas brought about by a book within the first few minutes of reading Have you ever thought of the possibility that you can master the concepts and ideas from the author without having really started to read hisher book If you...http://www.itotalsearch.com/read-better-your-key-to-success-in-life-and-career.html Coaching - Using it effectively to transform yourself and others..- (Found July 2, 2008 ) You might have a question -- is coaching useful in my career YES -- it is. Learning effective coaching skills can help you be a successful boss and a good co-worker and employee, as well as a better parent and a supportive spouse. These skills will be applicable in every corner of your life.http://www.itotalsearch.com/Coaching-using-it-effectively-to-tranform-yourself-and-others.... Your Five Attributes that HR people is Looking for- (Found July 2, 2008 ) Why do you need to know how HR people screen job seekers You need to know because it helps you prepare for job interviews! There are five core attributes that HR people screen for. You need to know what those attributes are in order to be fully prepared.http://www.itotalsearch.com/The-five-attributes-HR-People-is-looking-for.html Know Thyself - Use Enneagram to Know Your Character- (Found July 2, 2008 ) Understanding the different natures of personality that exist can help you have a better understanding of your co-workers, your spouse, your children, your parents, etc. and most importantly, yourself as well.. ......you will more easily discover where your passions lie and therefore your career directionhttp://www.itotalsearch.com/rheti_introduction.html DO YOU KNOW THE BEST WAY TO DO THINGS MORE EFFICIENTLY IT IS: STOP DOING THEM!- (Found July 2, 2008 ) We are all very busy every day. Each day we have a list of things we need to finish by the end of the work day. In most cases, it is routine work and we do it without knowing why we are doing it. And very frequently, the things that deserve a high priority don't get accomplished....................How to solve thishttp://www.itotalsearch.com/the-best-way-to-do-things-more-efficiently-is-not-doing-them.h... |