Sun BloggersWelcome to! This space is accessible to any Sun employee to write about anything.SL 110 to 110 colleges of VT University- September 17, 2008 My Managers gave me one more opportunity through SLS team to give 4 day sessions from 9th Sept through 12th Sept, on Java Fundamentals and NetBeans. This time I did not have to travel anywhere out of Bangalore. All of these sessions happened in the VT University studio at Bangalore. These sessions were spread across four days, 2 hours each covering most of the SL 110 course - Fundamentals of the Java Programming Language. One inclusion to this course curriculum was NetBeans. All these sessions.. GlassFish ESB: OpenESB- September 17, 2008 GlassFish ESBOpenESBGlassFish ESBOpenESBSun OpenESB OpenESBSun OpenESB getting-started-quickly , GlassFish ESB0811 ! Integating EXT JS with SSH framework- September 17, 2008 In the lat two articles, I introduce how to use SSH frameworks in Netbeans, and this article will introduce how to use EXT JS with them. The basic way to implement is using AJAX Request of EXT JS to connect with Struts Actions. EXT JS is a javascript library, and it provide powerful rich client experience for web applications. As EXT JS is a client side technoloy, it is hard to integrate with server side technologies as Java. Here, I suggest a method that implement this with AJAX Request. Java EE 5 GlassFish- September 17, 2008 075Alexis AntonioJavaEE 5 JavaOne 07 AntonioJava EE 5GlassFish Server. Antonio, at Eyrolles Book D700- September 17, 2008 21MH.264 1080PMicrodrivesD700... Staatskapital- September 17, 2008 Es gab ja insbesondere im sehr linken politischen Spektrum eine Reihe von Menschen, die die Verstaatlichung der Kapitalsammelstellen in einem Finanzsystem forderten. Davon mag man halten was man will. Es ist allerdings Ironie der Geschichte, das ausgerechnet in den USA - dem Land des "anything goes", der "greed is good" Wall Street, des nahezu unregulierten Finanzmarktes - jetzt reihenweise Kapitalsammelstellen verstaatlicht werden. Erst Freddie Mac, dann Fanny Mae ... jetzt steigt die Fed... EC-OneBeer Bust- September 17, 2008 JavaEC-One Beer Bust JavaRubyJRuby MacRuby Ruby Integrating Struts2.0, Spring2.5, Hibernate in Netbeans (2)- September 17, 2008 In the last article, I introduce how to use SSH framework in Netbeans, and this article will continue to introduce how to establish the Viewer and bussiness model and integrate Struts and Spring frameworks. 1. Establish the bussiness service. New an interface in the "service" package with the name "UserService", as the code: package service; import dao.UserDaoImpl;import po.User; author Administrator public interface UserServive ... Virtual Box in Headless Mode, RDP, Sun Rays, Mac ....- September 17, 2008 I am at SIBOS this week, on Sun's booth, demonstrating our Open Suite for Swift Solution to customers and prospects. The demo has been prepared by Patrice in a Virtual Box image and requires significant resources to run as it includes, Java CAPS, Directory Server, Oracle XE, Microsoft MQ, Websphere MQ etc ... Our initial plans was to install that demo on our booth's Sun Ray server but the machine was not sized appropriately to handle a dozen Sun Ray clients running Star Office, Firefox... This Ain't Your Dad's Java- September 17, 2008 The One About The Man (Who Started It All) Eric and Jenn sit down with the Godfather of Java, James Gosling to talk all things Java and much more. August 21, 2008 Host: Eric Klein and Jenn Winger Guest: James Gosling Episode Overview Had to share the latest Episode of This Ain't Your Dad's Java. It may not be video, but well worth the listen. Eric and Jenn (with David there in spirit) sit down with the man who started it all, James Gosling to talk all about. |