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Feed items 1 - 4 of 4 for January 2008

Teachings, Prophecy, and Devotionals from 3rd Day Ministries

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The Heart of the Matter - January 23, 2008

The Heart of the Matter! is an opening exhortation from Pastor Judy Sky Louis recorded on January 13. 2008. What went wrong Why are we born out of the sinful nature of Adam Why didn’t God just fix that right away What is the most important thing we must do to be...

Receiving the Love of God - January 23, 2008

This is a ten minute excerpt from Worship during our regular Sunday Meeting on January 13, 2008. You are complete in Him. Your shortcomings and all those you see in others have one solution. Without denial and without our accusation of others, God&39;s Love can resolve all these things. This is...

You are Worthy to Receive Worthiness - January 23, 2008

This is a three and and half minute excerpt from Worship during our regular Sunday Meeting on January 13, 2008. Pastor Judy Sky reminds us that we are all worthy to receive worthiness from God, it is His idea and His provision. I dare you to look and see - What...

The Heart of the Matter - January 23, 2008

From Pastor Judy Sky Listen here The_Heart_of_the_Matter OR Listen while you browse ( (NOTE: this link will open our AUDIO LIBRARYin a new window - you can listen to our teachings while you browse our site) Download this file from our AUDIO LIBRARY () The Heart of the Matter! is a special edition...
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