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Feed items 1 - 6 of 6 for August 2003

Utah Government Information

Information you might have missed from and about Utah government.

Utah in Top 10: Prostate Cancer Incidence Rate - August 25, 2003

According to the National Prostate Cancer Coalition, Utah ranks in the top 10 in incidence rate of Prostate Cancer 1995- 1999 as reported by the American Cancer Society. National Prostate Cancer Coalition

Weblog Mirror - August 15, 2003


Utah Among States Loosening TIF Restrictions - August 15, 2003

Good Jobs First, a group that claims to provide "timely and accurate information to the public, media, public officials, and economic development professionals on best practices in state and local job subsidies", has issued a report called "Straying from Good Intentions". The report says that some states, including Utah, have made legislative changes to Tax Incentive Finance Programs and enterprise zones that loosen the povery criteria, diminishing the benefits to impoverished areas. According..

Utah Gets $22 million from Federal Lands - August 8, 2003

States are entitled to 50% of proceeds from royalties, rents, bonuses, and other revenues accrued from federal land leaseholders. Utah's share this year is $22 million. Wyoming received over half the total amount available ($262 million). The US Minerals Management Service makes the distributionPlattsMinerals Management Service

City Creek among Contaminated Urban Rivers to Receive Federal Help - August 8, 2003

The US Environmental Protection Agency and the Army Corps of Engineers have added City Creek in Salt Lake City to their list of contaminated rivers set to receive federal cleanup aid. As a pilot project, the effort will receive $50,000 from EPA. EPA Press Release

Utah's Prison Population Up 4.3% - August 8, 2003

Utah's prison population stood at 5567 at the end of 2002, up from 5339 at the end of 2001. 5461 of those have been sentenced, and 377 are female. Utah's correction facilities are 97% full. Nationally, most sentenced prisoners in state facilities are in there for Violent Offenses (596,100), followed by Drug Offenses (246,100), and Property Offenses (233,000)Prisoners in 2002
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