Tollhouse NewsLocal news for Tollhouse, CA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.David and Amy Sedaris' play 'The Book of Liz' creates bizarre theater ...- March 14, 2008 Sister Elizabeth Donderstock is one of the plain people "" you know, Amish, Mennonite, or in her case, Squeamish. via Inside Bay Area Clovis couple renovates historic 2-story Victorian home- March 14, 2008 "It's nice to have a place like that around still" Years ago, Susan Goldsmith would pass a two-story Victorian house on her way to the grocery store and dream about living there someday. via Clovis Independent Tithing With Bubba, or Go Ahead - Take My Change- March 8, 2008 "If the top one percent simply give 5 percent of their income to meet the goals..." March 7, 2008 at 2:39 pm Filed under Vox Populi Nobody's Opinion: One of my favorite stories of Jesus is the morning he gave his famous "sermon" on the mound speech. via Men's News Daily |