♫ 40 Days: Resurrection to Ascension Rock Opera"40 Days: Resurrection to Ascension" is a rock opera originally conceived and produced by Roger Linder in 2001. It is part of a larger project called "The 40 Days Project." Included in this podcast are instrumental versions of the music, commentary of the development, new versions of the music and exclusive video performances from the premiere. See the web site at http://40Days.RoCeMaBra.com/RtoA for additional information.Holy Week Overture- February 11, 2006 The first live performance of "Holy Week Overture" by How Majestic on May 6, 2001. With introductory commentary by Roger Linder.http://sltv.org/podcasts/40DaysRtoA/20010506holyweekoverture.mp4 |