Ted Ritzer: GOV ITStrategic IT for Government(Untitled)- March 31, 2004 Microsoft, others preview Web services metadata spec. IBM Corp., BEA Systems Inc., SAP AG and Microsoft Corp. have published an initial draft of a new Web services specification for retrieving Web services metadata, Microsoft said Tuesday. InfoWorld: Top Newshttp://blogs.salon.com/0001455/categories/govIt/2004/03/31.html#a4795 (Untitled)- March 31, 2004 Collaboration over the net. Today I received a draft version of my article on net collaboration software. This is a short introduction to the available choices, and covers the basic requirements (audiovideo, instant messaging, file transfer, shared blackboard, application sharing, etc.). I reviewed software such as Marratech Pro for the article. The text is written in Finnish and will appear in the next issue of the magazine. Juha Haataja: Universal Digital Ideashttp://blogs.salon.com/0001455/categories/govIt/2004/03/31.html#a4792 (Untitled)- March 31, 2004 Xgrid: High Performance Computing for the Rest of Us: "Getting Started with Xgrid ... Step one is to download Xgrid and install it on a single machine. Step two is to install Xgrid on other machines and configure them to be available for grid calculations. There is no step three. Xgrid is designed to take care of most of the details of distributing your calculation so that you can concentrate on the problem you are trying to solve." Juha Haataja: Universal Digital Ideashttp://blogs.salon.com/0001455/categories/govIt/2004/03/31.html#a4791 (Untitled)- March 28, 2004 IBM's Linux Upgrade Roadmap. petrus4 writes "IBM have put together a nine-part series on upgrading from various incarnations of Windows (NT in particular) to Linux. Although it's mainly ... Meerkat: An Open Wire Servicehttp://blogs.salon.com/0001455/categories/govIt/2004/03/28.html#a4766 (Untitled)- March 28, 2004 "It's just a matter of time before Open Source prevails." Mitch Kaporhttp://blogs.salon.com/0001455/categories/govIt/2004/03/28.html#a4765 (Untitled)- March 27, 2004 Who should govern the Net. A U.N. summit ends with a consensus that developing countries must have more influence on the way the Internet is run, but conclusions about what should be done are vague. CNET News.comhttp://blogs.salon.com/0001455/categories/govIt/2004/03/27.html#a4762 (Untitled)- March 27, 2004 The Firefox opportunity. The future of "great Windows applications," we're told, lies with Longhorn's next-generation presentation subsystem, Avalon, which will reboot software development sometime in the latter half of this decade. Of course, even Microsoft can't wait until then. Consider InfoPath. It's a great Windows application and a rich Internet client that had to ship in 2003. Its foundation is none other than Internet Explorer -- or rather, the suite of components and Internet...http://blogs.salon.com/0001455/categories/govIt/2004/03/27.html#a4760 (Untitled)- March 27, 2004 Microsoft to Offer Blog Search Tool. Mercury News: Microsoft plans search site for Weblogs. Microsoft became the first big Internet company Friday to say that it would create a special search Web site just for Weblogs. The company said MSN Blogbot will debut in the first half of the year, along with MSN Newsbot, a search site devoted to news. Another Microsoft "innovation" that's already been invented -- see, for example Technorati and Feedster -- but overall I'm glad to see the big guys...http://blogs.salon.com/0001455/categories/govIt/2004/03/27.html#a4756 (Untitled)- March 27, 2004 Utah's Enterprise Architecture. In an attempt to diagram Utah's enterprise architecture, we can look at the overall architecture like this: Each of the layers can easily be broken down into a more detailed look. For example, the business layer looks something like this: The application layer at the enterprise level is comprised of a large suite of applications that cut across the entire enterprise: These applications are built on a data and infrastructure layer that reside mainly in.http://blogs.salon.com/0001455/categories/govIt/2004/03/27.html#a4753 (Untitled)- March 27, 2004 PluggedIn: RSS Readers Offer New Ways to Read the Web (Reuters). Reuters - Noticed those little orange boxes on the Web lately with the letters "XML" Yahoo! News - Technologyhttp://blogs.salon.com/0001455/categories/govIt/2004/03/27.html#a4747 |