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Feed items 11 - 15 of 15 for April 2004

Ted Ritzer: GOV IT

Strategic IT for Government

(Untitled) - April 4, 2004

Achieving Results through Effective Project Management. Our portfolio project management effort is moving ahead quickly and will enable us to align projects, goals, and resources more effectively in the future.  We are using an open source project management system which we implemented very quickly and are now managing all of the UWIN projects there in addition to ITS projects.  Here is a high level view of the process: One of our goals has been to better define roles and...

(Untitled) - April 4, 2004

Adam Curry's Weblog - ptvn. Weblog: Adam Curry's Weblog Source: ptvn Link: http:radio.weblogs.com000101420040404.htmla5480 Looks like Jim Moore is thinking about Personal TV Networks as well, something that can easily be handled by rss enclosures... with a bit of bittorrent thrown in. PubSub: RSS

(Untitled) - April 4, 2004

Linux on desktop gaining in OS race. Apr 4 2004 10:42AM GMT... Meerkat: An Open Wire Service

(Untitled) - April 3, 2004

Truth and honesty please. It's great to see Jon Udell mention Laszlo in his review of Flex.  Congrats Jon!  I wish Macromedia would just say: "we think Laszlo is great. It sits on top of our Flash technology and we decided it was such a great idea, we'd make one of our own."  Perhaps because Macromedia doesn't make any MONEY off of the Flash player Gee - now who's idea was it to give away the player in the first place Jamie Fenton - that's who!  And me - I went along..

(Untitled) - April 3, 2004

Jim Louderback gets BLOGGY. Congrats to Jim Louderback on getting the Ziff IT folks to get it together and set him up with an official blog.  Welcome to the blogosphere. Jim is one of those industry veterans that always has a unique angle on things - but is refreshingly honest, straight forward and clear.  And I happen to have an office four doors down from him - right now. I just wonder what happens to Jim's TechTV gig Does he suddenly become a gaming expert  Maybe he will -...
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