The Wax ConspiracyBringing you the last six drug shots of gonzo brewed news and updates at The Wax Conspiracy.we are survival machines- February 26, 2008 Passerine are the ones that sit and wait, and in sitting and waiting uncover the unkindness of ravens, the conspiracy of ravens — methodical, orderly, neat, calm, serene. (versus.) Pelagic are the hunters that spit anticoagulants into the sea, and in spitting betray the element that has long sustained them — oh, patience, you are next: enduring, long-suffering, uncomplaining,... Trapped within a contract catching the black widow- February 19, 2008 Look for that Exit sign above the door. Broke on a fall, two legs for most and a door knob boring into the ground. Twisting and turning, catching the latch quick on the upturn. You cannot wait to leave if you only wait to leave now. Sounds like hope. It really does. Only problem is that hope is a deaf boy sitting, signaling black into the corners of the elbow. Sounds of false reason ready to scratch and rip with an almighty wind. Takes what little breath remains. Heartless hopelessness.... |