The Bull Speaks!A 'Small Town' Man still clinging to his religion and guns.First Thought on Sarah Palin- August 29, 2008 As I sit here listening to Governor Sarah Palin&8217;s of Alaska speaking to a Dayton, OH along side of Senator McCain crowd I realize that these are the kind of days that I am MOST proud of my Nation. She IS what this Nation needs as a Vice-President! Happy Birthday to John McCain &038; Happy 20th ... A Home Run for the Conservative Team!- August 29, 2008 John McCain has been known for years as a maverick in Washington, D.C. To tell you the truth, The Bull thinks that McCain is more like one of the Heroes of my home State of South Carolina - the &8216;Swamp Fox&8217;, Francis Marion - when it comes to strategy. What a wonderful choice McCain has made ... Preparations for Hurricane Gustav- August 29, 2008 It is the season for these bloody storms. It is also the portion of the season when Mobile, AL&8217;s weather is most likely to be effected by hurricanes. Since Katrina we have been blessed with moderate weather and a cooler winters. However, it may be time to pay the piper as nothing last forever - ... San Frans Radio Pervert Gets Off Light- August 29, 2008 Fox News reports&8230; SAN FRANCISCO A former San Francisco radio talk show host and Roman Catholic priest was sentenced to more than seven years in prison Thursday for distributing child pornography. KGO-AM 810 Radio, Ward&8217;s employer, refused to comment for this posting when contacted by The Bull. Last December The Bull reported to you concerning this ... Wanted: Big Bore CCW Revolvers- August 28, 2008 I&8217;ve been in the market of late for a new carry gun for Lady Beth. Being a life-long &8216;gun nut&8217; I have rather set ideas of what makes up a good carry weapon. Contrary to Hollywood and rapping thug-wanna-be&8217;s likes to consider &8220;cool&8221;, The Bull does not go in for the high capacity, &8220;spray &038; ... Suicide Bomber Self-Diffuses!- August 27, 2008 Saw this in an email from and took a little hope from the story. August 25, 2008 Deutsche Presse-Agentur BAGHDAD &8212; A female would-be suicide bomber still wearing an explosives vest turned herself over to police on Aug. 24, the same day that 25 people were killed in a further suicide bombing, the U.S. military said. The military ... |