The Fanonite"...for the last forty years, our thought has been trapped in hollow structures of language, a stale, dead but immensely successful rhetoric. This has represented, in my view, a defeat of the intelligence and of the will." -- Harold PinterTel Aviv to Tbilisi- August 12, 2008 Israelis wave both Georgian and Israeli flags as they chant anti-Russian slogans during a demonstration outside the Russian embassy in Tel Aviv, 11 August. (Gali TibbonAFPGetty Images) Ali Abunimah ofThe Electronic Intifada on Israel&8217;s role in the Russia-Georgia war From the moment Georgia launched a surprise attack on the tiny breakaway region of South Ossetia last week, ... Avoid clich like the plague Never- August 12, 2008 &8216;We are all guilty&8217;, writes Robert Fisk. &8216;To my distress, I find that I thrice used the word &8216;iconic&8217; in my book. Ye Gods!&8217; Opposite my apartment in Beirut there used to live an American-born English teacher called Marion Lanson. When she departed Lebanon, I inherited her 1949 Random House American College Dictionary, edited by one ... George vs the Smearmongers- August 12, 2008 This report by some tool named Michael Savage is interesting in so far as it turns the victim of a vicious smear into the victimiser. Poor character assassins &8212; what would they do if they weren&8217;t accorded the privilege of smearing London&8217;s only Jewish community radio station has been forced to cease broadcasting after losing a ... The laureate of all Arabs- August 12, 2008 &8216;Mahmoud Darwish is dead, but the voice of the Palestinian resistance will live on in all of us &8216;, writes Ahdaf Soueif. None of us really thought he&8217;d die. Our loss is great, we tell each other. In our minds ... The American Military Crisis- August 11, 2008 Andrew Bacevich on Democracy Now: Despite a few flaws, I found Andrew Bacevich&8217;s last book, The New American Militarism, an extremely well argued, and for a non-fiction book on a rather bleak subject, equally well written. He has just come out with another. I can&8217;t wait to read, but for now, here are some tasters. Here ... Cold War returns via Georgia- August 11, 2008 For some time the US has been priming Georgia for a provocative confrontation with Russia. Israeli and US military &8216;advisers&8217; have been training and equipping the Georgian military. The US has been trying to bring it into NATO. Its military expenditures have shot through the roof. It is also the route for the long-in-planning Baku-Ceyhan ... |