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Feed items 1 - 10 of 14 for June 2007

The Darkest Evil

I tried sniffing Coke once, but the ice cubes got stuck in my nose.

Goodbye world! - June 30, 2007

I am hereby closing my blog and closing off each and every facet of my Internet life within the next 1-4 months. This means that I&8217;ll start selling domains that I have not used, closing sites with little to no activity and closing IM accounts. In fact, the only sites I run that will be ...

Postal is now an universal binary - June 30, 2007

One of my favourite games to play for the computer has always been Postal 2. And what makes me happy is that I didn&8217;t have to lose playing Postal 2 when I made my switch from Windows to Mac. And now, a good thing has been made better now that the original Postal has been ...

Three reasons why I wont be buying an iPhone - June 29, 2007

Today, the iPhone went on sale, but I&8217;m not in line to get one. And I&8217;m not going to be for quite some time. It&8217;s not just because of the money, but it&8217;s also because of the three very important reasons. The first is it just isn&8217;t worth it to spend the money on an ...

My little list - June 27, 2007

If you are as paranoid as I am, building and maintaining an enemies list is an absolute must. And this list is logical because it is all the people, companies and things that really irk me. (Thanks to Mr. Fab for the Idea: Making a list, checking it twice&8230;) Alberta Alberta Bible College AOL Babysitting for other people&8217;s kids. Barney ...

So, Im 20 now - June 24, 2007

On Friday, I was officially 20 years old and I&8217;m kind of in awe about that. Honestly, I&8217;m still wondering how I made it this far without going completely insane, becoming completely anti-social (only partially anti-social) or losing my way. It kind of gives you an odd feeling inside that maybe I should have done ...

Getting my foot out of my mouth - a retraction - June 21, 2007

I am going to make a few statements about some things I&8217;ve said in previous posts about my father. In past posts, I called my father a &8220;con man&8221; and in my rant against country music, I said a few things that may be interpreted wrong. I am going to retract my first statement and ...

Wordless Wednesday June 20th, 2007 - June 20, 2007

Been Busy for the Week - June 19, 2007

Okay, so WHAT have I been doing this past week Well, I&8217;ve been doing a number of things including working on the brand new and a few other secret projects that I have going on in the works. I have also been working on some heavy personal issues and I am hoping to move ...

It all just clicked! - June 15, 2007

Alright, in the past few days that I have been blogging, I have had quite a few personal developments. I am so delighted that everything is coming together and I am excited about my future now. In fact, I am hoping that these developments in my future (plus other, more private developments) will lead to ...

My 20th birthday is coming up - June 11, 2007

Before you read this, yes it is a gift me-me. And yes, I am writing this with the hopeful mentality that I may very well get something for my birthday. This is because I had to leave a lot of shit back in Canada and I had to bring the most minimal of stuff back ...
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