The Truth About Cars » In Defense OfThe Truth About Cars is dedicated to providing candid, unbiased automobile reviews and the latest in auto industry news.In Defense of Regular Gas- June 23, 2008 A guy says he&8217;s stopped using premium gas in his &8220;premium gas required&8221; car because it&8217;s too damn expensive. It&8217;s a joke, right He&8217;s saving 30 cents now, only to threaten his warranty and pay thousands in repairs later &8220;Yes&8221; is the easy answer. But the truth about cars can be a funny thing, especially when you add fuel and flames. With apologies to the chemists, theoretical physicists and tuners out there, here is an octane apercu: octane rating measures.. In Defense of the Chevrolet Volt. Ish.- June 17, 2008 Critics of Chevrolet&39;s upcoming plug-in gas - electric hybrid Volt fail to realize one thing: it doesn&39;t matter if the car isn&39;t perfect. It doesn&39;t even matter if the Volt fails to achieve ANY of its much-hyped metrics: price, range or reliability. It&39;s what happens AFTER GM&39;s Hail Mary is released that counts. If GM can keep plugging-away (so to speak) on the Volt, they could, eventually, offer a genuine competitor to the the all-conquering Toyota Prius. One need only look... |