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Feed items 1 - 4 of 4 for February 2008

Think Christian » World

Welcome to, where we talk about Christ, culture and the ways that faith plays out in everyday life. We want to exercise our faith in every aspect of our lives: heart, soul and mind.

Christianity vs. Islam in Nigeria - February 27, 2008

The Atlantic has published an essay offering a disturbing glimpse at the cultural conflict between Christianity and Islam in Nigeria, where the two faiths are competing for adherents. With a long history of government corruption and religious conflict (and sometimes oppression), it&8217;s a murky and unsettling picture. Now, many Christians are trying to win converts ...

Chinese Bibles - February 22, 2008

Persecution Blog points out that the Chinese government is going to start printing one million bibles a month. The article they link to interviews Bob Fu, president of China Aid Association, who doesn&8217;t find this development as rosy as it might seem: But while Chinese officials have heralded the development, Bob Fu&8230;says the communist government could do ...

Can Jews and evangelicals get along - February 8, 2008

Here&8217;s a controversy-loaded question to ponder this weekend: what explains the strange lovehate relationship between evangelicals and the Jewish community I get nervous even thinking about that question, given all the politics and history behind it. But in the above article, Pepperdine professor James Wilson asks a good question: why do evangelicals seem so positive about ...

Oh, That Thats My Tuesday Bible - February 6, 2008

Mission Network News reports on the sickening amount of bibles we have laying around compared to other countries. I&8217;ve been using the same dark blue NIV for nigh on ten years. I cannot tell you the number of times I&8217;ve looked at those cool duotone NRSV&8217;s with a small modicum of jealously. And then ...
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