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Feed items 1 - 6 of 6 for August 2007

Ten Reasons Why

Unclarifying the issues since 2000 (off and on)

Vacation, Day 1: Stranded in Charlotte - August 9, 2007

Sigh. I knew the Fates wouldn't let me take a vacation unhindered. Got to DCA this morning, 90 minutes before my flight's departure time, checked in and was told there were no seats on my connection to SFO, but "you're confirmed on the flight." Whatever the hell that means. Whatever else it might mean, apparently being "confirmed" doesn't mean you get to get on the plane. I got bumped off my connection to San Francisco because US Airways overbooked it and . . . and who knows I don't know...

Apple, you done me right. - August 5, 2007

One of the few complaints I've had with the iPhone is that it failed to work with the Kensington iPod FM TransmitterAuto Charger that I bought just about two months before I bough the iPhone. But the good news is that the 1.0.1 iPhone firmware update last week that fixed a recently discovered security flaw, also included several other (undocumented) fixes. Among those, is a fix to allow the iPhone to "now play music through many previously incompatible car adapters and other external speakers...

Are you a hotshot UI designer - August 2, 2007

I don't write about work on this blog, but my team at Blackboard is hiring a UI hotshot to work on Web 2.0-ish education applications. Having a full-time UI designer on my team will make my life a lot less stressful (borrowed resources & contractors make my head hurt), so I figured it can't hurt to reach out wherever I can. Check out the full job description for the Senior User Interface Designer position. This isn't an entry-level position. We're looking for someone with some serious UI...

Gratuitous - August 1, 2007

Dramatis Personae:Me, your trusty blogger Bug, co-worker and friend. Also a wealthy, crazed Mac devotee. Buys and supports his own office hardware so he can have Macs instead of Dells. Also, I share an office with his wife.Anjin-san, co-worker and friend. Shares an office with Bug. Scene: Bug & Anjin-San's office. My workstation is in the process of being mangled by our IT department, so I'm wandering around pestering co-workers. Bug: I think the fan in the MacBook Pro isn't working. It's...

Overheard in DC - August 1, 2007

Overheard 7312007 in the Border's Books and Music at 18th & L NW. A young woman talking to her friend:"She tells me I should be celibate for 30 days. So I ask her, 'Do you mean celibate celibate or just interactive celibate' Because there's no way I can do celibate celibate for 30 days."What the hell is "interactive celibate"Powered by ScribeFire.

Oh, I-95, I-95, how I hate thee. - August 1, 2007

The door-to-door mileage from my home on Capitol Hill to the house I grew up in (yes, my parents still live there) is almost exactly 115 miles. Nearly 99% of that is on interstates or expressways - matter of fact, only 2.2 miles of those 115 are on "surface roads." Of that 113 or so miles of highway driving, about 92 of them are on Interstate 95. (Thank you, Google Maps.) And therein lies the problem, for I-95 is the bane of my life. There is very nearly nothing in my life that makes me as...
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