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Feed items 1 - 2 of 2 for December 2007

Ten Reasons Why

Unclarifying the issues since 2000 (off and on)

Unbelievably standing up for the RIAA (this one time) - December 31, 2007

Yesterday, Marc Fisher of the Washington Post wrote a piece entiled "Download Uproar: Record Industry Goes After Personal Use." (Free registration might be required to view.) One of my favorite bloggers, Daring Fireball's Jon Gruber, referenced this briefly yesterday. I've seen this crop up on lots of other blogs and various media outlets, and the story is always presented in basically the way that Fisher presented it: In an unusual case in which an Arizona recipient of an RIAA letter has...

Flickr Uploadr is Bettr Than Evr - December 14, 2007

I've been disappointed that I haven't made better use of the digital SLR I bought last year, so I hereby dub 2008 the Year of Photogregory. Or Rittography. Or something clever that combines my name and photography. I did get good use out of the Nikon D50 a few months back on my vacation to California for (a) Tim & Sharon's San Francisco wedding and (b) driving down the coast in a convertible Mustang. And yesterday I finally got around to starting to get good use out of my Flickr account via.
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- December (2 items)
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