UnivAttyBlawging on Legal and Privacy Issues in Higher Educationpolitical activities of colleges and universities...- May 11, 2004 The American Council on Education has prepared a great handout summarizing the "do's" and "don'ts" for colleges and universities in campaigns for public office. Definitely worth a review as we head into the coming year.http://univatty.blogspot.com/2004/05/political-activities-of-colleges-and.html auburn trustees eliminate athletics committee...- May 11, 2004 Auburn University trustees have voted to eliminate the board's athletic's committee in an effort to respond to SACS' concerns that the committee had too much power over the school's athletic department. The committee's responsibilities will be divided among four other board committees: academic affairs, student affairs, finance and the executive committee. Decatur Dailyhttp://univatty.blogspot.com/2004/05/auburn-trustees-eliminate-athletics.html k state to reassign adviser to student newspaper...- May 11, 2004 The adviser to Kansas State's student newspaper may be reassigned after the paper failed to cover the Big 12's Black Student Government Conference which drew about 1,000 participants. "The action could spark a lawsuit from students concerned that Johnson's removal is an attempt by the university to control the newspaper's content, said Mark Goodman, executive director of the Arlington, Va.-based Student Press Law Center. The center is a nonprofit group that provides legal assistance to student.http://univatty.blogspot.com/2004/05/k-state-to-reassign-adviser-to-student.html colorado adopts college voucher plan...- May 10, 2004 Colorado undergraduate students who qualify for in-state tuition will be able to receive up to a $2,400 stipend if attending a public institution in Colorado and a $1,200 stipend for low-income students attending three private institutions (Regis, University of Denver and Colorado College). APhttp://univatty.blogspot.com/2004/05/colorado-adopts-college-voucher-plan.html rice weighs college without football...- May 6, 2004 Rice has made the news recently with the publication of a report on athletics commissioned by the Board of Trustees and prepared by McKinsey & Co. The complete report is available online. The Board is soliciting online comments from the public in response to a number of different issues, including the fact that Rice athletics currently costs $10 million per year more than it takes in. More information in the Houston Chronicle.http://univatty.blogspot.com/2004/05/rice-weighs-college-without-football.html |