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Feed items 1 - 5 of 5 for April 2004


Blawging on Legal and Privacy Issues in Higher Education

no "grace" at vmi... - April 27, 2004

The U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear VMI's appeal of a court ruling holding that the public college violated the U.S. Constitution by including a prayer in its evening mess hall ceremony.

invisible adjunct shutters the blog... - April 27, 2004

The Chronicle of Higher Education has a nice interview with the Invisible Adjunct as she leaves academe. Chronicle of Higher Education (subscription required).

university of maryland center for information policy... - April 26, 2004

beSpacific mentions the University of Maryland's Center for Information Policy in her blog today. The CIP is a "multidisciplinary research center that analyzes and provides solutions to current policy issues relating to the convergence of information and technology...Privacy, intellectual property and information security are just a few of the areas where CIP offers independent, unbiased quality analysis, advice and proposals for action."

alumni and students join forces for "socially responsible investing"... - April 23, 2004

Students and alumni at 22 colleges and universities (including Duke, Penn, Brown, Columbia and Yale) have formed a new activist group to promote socially responsible investment policies for theic colleges' endowments. The Responsible Endowments Coaltion advocates investing in progressive companies, divesting from companies that are not socially responsible and voting on shareholder resolutions as a means of reforming harmful policies. Chronicle of Higher Education (subscription required)Forbes

governance reforms at Boston U... - April 19, 2004

BU's Board of Trustees voted last week on several governance reforms to assist it in its efforts to attract a new president. Among the changes are the imposition of term limits of 14 consecutive years for board members (there had been no such term limits previously) and approval of a recommendation that former President John Silber move out of a "posh office" in the same building with university officials. Chronicle of Higher Education (subscription required).
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