The Urban GrindCurrent events, politics and life in general from the perspective of a conservative woman in ManhattanFeminazi She-Beast Sandra Bernhard Viciously Attacks Sarah Palin- September 19, 2008 As a Jew, I&8217;m outraged and mortified that this hideous feminazi she-beast, former girlfriend of Madonna, Sandra Bernhard, who calls herself Jewish, even has an audience. Currently, Bernhard is performing her act &8220;Without You I&8217;m Nothing&8221; at Washington DC&8217;s Theater J, which is part of the Washington DC Jewish Community Center. Normally, I ... PALIN EMAIL HACKER SON OF DEMOCRAT STATE REP!- September 19, 2008 Surely you are not surprised, are you The father admits his son is the target of an investigation into the hacking of Sarah Palin&8217;s email account. Now, the question should be, &8220;did he get some information about her from when someone released her private data shortly after she was nominated If so, are those people being ... OBAMA EMAIL ACCOUNT HACKED!- September 19, 2008 Few details now. Go here. CONGRESSMANS SON CAUGHT SMUGGLING ILLEGALS- September 19, 2008 Reading this report from near where it happened, you&8217;d never know his party affiliation. The St Pete Times tells us he&8217;s a &8230;&8230;&8230;wait for it&8230;&8230;&8230;&8230;.republican DEMOCRAT!!!! (what a miracle for the Times to do this!) does not bother. Nor does Lou Dobbs. Any bets that if he would have a republican EVERY SINGLE ONE of those sources ... Jewish Prayer For Casual Sex- September 19, 2008 Hat tip: David Ben Ze&8217;ev Aryeh I grew up in an observant home. So this is news to me. What will these crazy Californicators think up next SAN FRANCISCO, Sep 17, 2008 (UPI via COMTEX) &8212; A San Francisco synagogue&8217;s new prayer book contains a prayer for unexpected intimacy. The prayer is included in ... SNL PalinClinton Skit- September 18, 2008 For those of you who missed Saturday Night Live, here&8217;s their PalinClinton skit. The Real Culprits Of Our Subprime Mortgage Mess- September 18, 2008 Barack Hussein Obama, the socialist, affirmative action Donk candidate, would have us believe that this whole subprime mortgage mess is the fault of the big bad Republicans, and their evil rich backers who made their fortunes &8220;off the backs&8221; of the poor. But that&8217;s simply not the case. If you look at the facts, ... STFU Chuck Hagel!- September 18, 2008 This RINO Obama fellator is now saying that Sarah Palin is not qualified to be Vice President. &8220;She doesn&8217;t have any foreign policy credentials,&8221; Hagel said in an interview published Thursday by the Omaha World-Herald. &8220;You get a passport for the first time in your life last year I mean, I don&8217;t know what ... CAN BIDEN BE ANY MORE STUPID- September 18, 2008 Biden recently came out and said it is patriotic for wealthy Americans to pay more taxes. Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden said Thursday that paying more in taxes is the patriotic thing to do for wealthier Americans. The Republican campaign for president calls the tax increases their Democratic opponents propose &8220;painful&8221; instead of patriotic. So does ... SO, ITS REPUBLICANS WHO PUT OUT ATTACK ADS- September 18, 2008 Seen the latest ad put out by Obama, in Spanish, attacking McCain and Limbaugh Here&8217;s what it&8217;s about (in case you&8217;re still clinging to your guns and religion and have refused to become multi-cultural and learn Spanish): The commercial, to air in Limbaugh&8217;s home state of Florida as well as Colorado, New Mexico and Nevada, features a ... |