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Feed items 1 - 10 of 10 for September 2008


Deciphering Indonesia, Malaysia and other stuff

The silence of the jingoists - September 18, 2008

Even as late as a week ago, the nationalistic card was being played against international investors and the springboard for the jingoists was the Commission for Business Competition Supervisory Council (KPPU). Each time they found a foreign investor guilty was, to these jingoists, proof that the foreign investors were haughty, that they were sneaky and sought ...

Najib 1.75 (satu titik tiga suku) - September 18, 2008

Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak is gearing up to succeed Badawi after being given the Finance Minister&8217;s post by his boss. As part of this attempt at ascension Najib has taken to setting up a website called 1Malaysia. Go there and you will see a videocast of Najib explaining why he&8217;s on the ...

Snapping for society - September 18, 2008

Pesta Blogger draws nearer (its on October 25) and as a run up to the event Iman &8212; film director, photographer and my diving sifu &8212; has organized a photo contest for bloggers. There is only one condition - photos must keep to the theme of this year&8217;s Pesta Blogger, which is Blogging for Society. Other ...

And KanalOne joins the fray - September 18, 2008

Indonesia used to be a place where information is very difficult to come by in English. There were many pretenders to the throne like The Point and Indonesian Observer that could not muster the test of time and circulation figures and so The Jakarta Post became by default the main English-language source. It was eithe the ...

Malaysia arrests another blogger - September 17, 2008

Malaysia today used the Internal Security Act to arrest kickdefella or Syed Azidi Syed Abdul Aziz (photo) who made his name in the Malaysian blogosphere first by designing spoof movie posters of government leaders, then went on to become a blogger for the opposition PAS and then recently courted controversy by f lying the Malaysian flag ...

Only one punishment fit for Mahathir - September 16, 2008

The ever eloquent Patrick Teoh hits home with the latest nonsense from Mahathir Mohammad, who thinks that he can fool all the people all the time that he&8217;s actually a Malay. Of all the audacious hoaxes and scams perpetrated on the Malaysian people over the years, none has been as audacious and preposterous as Mahathir&8217;s claim ...

Stephanie Choo the sock puppet for Tony Fernandez - September 16, 2008

Unspun&8217;s been getting a slew of spam comments from Stephanie Choo, a gmail address, with the message: Nice commentaries in your blog. I&8217;ve noticed that everyone is blogging about &60;a href=&8221;http:themalaysianlife.blogspot.com200809tony-fernandes-blog.html&8221; rel=&8221;nofollow&8221;&62;Tony Fernandes Blog&60;a&62;. Good way for him to obtain feedback. Unspun&8217;s received five spam posts so fart his morning and wonder who else has been getting them. ...

Experimenting with a new look - September 15, 2008

Not sure if this WordPress theme works. I like the look, pretty funky and different but find that other stuff, like recent readers, recent comments etc are relegated to the bottom. Readers might miss it. let unspun know how you find this theme. if readers like it then I&8217;ll keep it, if not then into the ...

What price medical care - September 15, 2008

Went to the doctors because Unspun was limping today with a toe infection. At SOS in Cepete Unspun was escorted to the children&8217;s section where the doctor gave Unspun&8217;s toe a 3-nanoseconds once over and prescribed antibiotics and some antiseptic cream and hurried Unspun to the cashier. There Unspun almost fainted when he received the bill ...

Webmasters: Uncle Sam wants You! - September 15, 2008

Unspun&8217;s been told that the US Embassy is looking for a Webmaster. It sounds like a cool job: &8220;I am Webmaster for the US Embassy,&8221; is a good opening line at parties and will make any nerd sound positively sexy, or so I&8217;ve been told. Interested geeks can peruse the notice below and make contact with ...
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- September (10 items)
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