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Feed items 1 - 6 of 6 for September 2008

The Cooking Adventures of Chef Paz

Culinary Tales of a Novice Amateur Cook ~ "Look Mom, I'm boiling water!"

New York Monday 141: Oh, the Colors! - September 21, 2008

&160;From the archives: Have any of you seen such a colorful cement mixer before.&160; I haven&8217;t.&160; This was my first time.&160; It certainly stood out in traffic for me.&160; Have a good week! By the way, thanks to Mischief Mari, you can now subscribe to and keep up with comments here.&160; Yay! New York greetings, Paz &160; &160; &160; &160; &160; &160; &160; &160; &160; &160; &160;

Window Box Herb Gardening - September 15, 2008

Please help me welcome this week&8217;s guest blogger, Lydia of&160;The Perfect Pantry.&160; Welcome Lydia and thanks so much for your help! Paz &160; Orange Caper Gremolata 2008 &169; The Perfect Pantry - All Rights Reserved While Paz has been recovering from surgery, she&8217;s been dreaming about a garden in her window. In the city, it&8217;s a challenge to maintain any ...

New York Monday 140: A Harlem Brownstone - September 14, 2008

&160; Brownstone buildings are named so because they were made from sandstone, which ranged from a brown to brownish red color.&160; Some sandstone colors are bright, so one might see a brownstone building, which isn&8217;t necessarily &8216;brown&8217; or redish brown. &160; It was very popular to build these rowhouses in the late 19th century and early ...

Mango and Coconut Sago Pudding - September 9, 2008

Please help me welcome this week&8217;s guest blogger, Haalo of Cook (Almost) Anything at Least Once.&160; Thanks for being here, Haalo! Paz &160; &160; Every Monday I have a date with New York - a slice of that lovely city photographed by Paz. So I thought to start this post I&8217;d share a photo of my city, Melbourne at ...

New York Monday 139: Looking Up - September 7, 2008

&160;From the archives: It&8217;s nice to look up once in a while in the city.&160; There are different things to see &8212; different architecture&8230; a beautiful sky&8230; Oh, and some birds&160; watching you.&160; Ummm&8230; Perhaps with the birds&160; around, it may not be such a good idea to look up just yet.&160; Watch where you&8217;re standing ...

Spinach, Tuna, Tomato and Radish Salad for Paz - September 2, 2008

Please help me welcome this week&8217;s guest blogger, Kalyn of Kalyn&8217;s Kitchen.&160; Thanks, Kalyn! Paz &160; 2008 &169; Kalyn&8217;s Kitchen - All Rights Reserved &160;&160; When Paz first asked me to be a guest blogger for her while she was recovering from surgery, I planned a surprise and photographed a bunch of food bloggers at the BlogHer conference in San ...
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