The Cooking Adventures of Chef PazCulinary Tales of a Novice Amateur Cook ~ "Look Mom, I'm boiling water!"New York Monday 138: Asia Society- August 31, 2008 From the archives: Banner of an exhibit at the Asia Society &160; This&160;an exhibit&160;banner hanging in front of the Asia Society, an organization that provides information and education on over 30 Asian countries.&160; Founded in 1956 by a Rockefeller family member, the Asia Society provides art exhibits, performances, films, lectures, seminars, conferences, publications, media assistance and school material ... Egg Curry- August 25, 2008 &160;Please help me welcome guest blogger Sra of When My Soup Came Alive!&160; Thanks for being here, Sra! Paz 2008 &169; When My Soup Came Alive - All Rights Reserved &160; I&8217;m honoured to be a guest blogger for Paz, whom I came to know even before I set up my own blog. When Paz invited me to write for ... New York Monday 137: Two Ducks and a Park- August 24, 2008 &160;From the archives: As I passed by the pond in Central Park, to my delight two ducks came out to play.&160; I&8217;m told these are Mallard ducks.&160; It was fun to stop and watch them for a while. Paz &160; &160; &160; &160; &160; &160; &160; &160; &160; &160; &160; Queen of Puddings- August 19, 2008 &160;Please help me welcome this week&8217;s guest blogger, Elizabeth of The House in Marrakesh and About New York.&160; It is especially fitting that she&8217;s made a tasty dessert because today happens to be the three year anniversary of The Cooking Adventures of Chef Paz.&160;&160; Yay!&160; So, we can celebrate with her delicious-sounding Queen of Puddings.&160; ... |