AVForums.com - XboxChat with other xBox owners at the AV Forumsmodchip fault what now- August 31, 2008 Hi all Not used my xbox for a couple of years powered up tonight and get error 16 so checked all my chip joints and they are okay.Chip is a 2.1 lite but i get no power light on the front so i guess chip is done for. So i only want it for a media centre and play backups should i go for another...http://www.avforums.com/forums/showthread.php?t=818224&goto=newpost Mechassault- August 24, 2008 Hello everyone, I have just re-bought an original Xbox to play Mechassault, and Im happy to say there are a few people playing it. Are there any Mech players still out there hungry for a game of destruction or team destruction!! If so I'd like to hear from you so send me a friend...http://www.avforums.com/forums/showthread.php?t=814230&goto=newpost |