West Seattle Blog... » Freeway Fright ‘07West Seattle news, information, and discussion, updated multiple times daily, 24/7/365Who rode what, when, during FF 07 - August 24, 2007Interesting numbers in this wrap-up from Metro. Share Thishttp://westseattleblog.com/blog/?p=2923 Freeway Fright 07, we hardly knew ye - August 24, 2007This is it &8230; the final weekday morning of the I-5 work that once swamped us in speculation that West Seattle would be cut off from the rest of the known world. The state still promises it&8217;ll all be over by this time tomorrow; all we&8217;ll have to show for it is a slightly smoother ...http://westseattleblog.com/blog/?p=2918 Tuesday: Happening today & tonight - August 21, 2007FREEWAY FRIGHT &8216;07, FOURTH-TO-LAST WEEKDAY: The I-5 work crews have reached a milestone. (Maybe we&8217;re just punchy; we childishly giggled at the text clump toward the end of that WSDOT page&8217;s full web address: Crewsfinishjoints &8230;) Now they&8217;ve just got some more paving to do &8212; weather permitting. Only two lanes open till they&8217;re done. ...http://westseattleblog.com/blog/?p=2879 Freeway Fright 07: Commute report - August 20, 200717 minutes from the top of The Bridge at Fauntleroy, to the end of The Viaduct (just before the Battery Street Tunnel). The Admiral and Delridge onramps looked somewhat crunchier than usual, however. (Also, the city traffic cameras are back online.) Share Thishttp://westseattleblog.com/blog/?p=2872 Freeway Fright 07: Five mornings left - August 20, 2007On the good side, we soon won&8217;t have to worry any more about I-5 (and ripple effects); bad side, the added early Water Taxi run will end when the project does. The folks who unveiled the Pier 2 dockterminal proposal last week sent along this photo of the WT&8217;s biggest line on its biggest day ...http://westseattleblog.com/blog/?p=2871 Freeway Fright 07 & beyond: Transportation tidbits - August 19, 20071 more week or so to go till we can stop hearing about I-5, for better or for worse, for now. Remember, the WS Bridge ramp to NB 5 is closed this weekend, like last weekend. Other WSDOT updates are here. Meantime, some related notes to share: -On the citizen-group proposal for a new Water Taxi ...http://westseattleblog.com/blog/?p=2854 Freeway Fright 07: Beware the drive home - August 17, 2007By all accounts, things are uglier out there than even the usual sunny &8220;let&8217;s get out of here and get the weekend started&8221; Friday afternoon. And there&8217;s a Mariners game tonight, to boot, which usually bodes badly for the southbound Viaduct.Here&8217;s the latest from WSDOT; if you want to check our group of relevant-to-WS live ...http://westseattleblog.com/blog/?p=2824 Freeway Fright 07: 2-lane Friday - August 17, 2007WSDOT made the overnight switch, which means 2 NB lanes on I-5 as of this morning. Click ahead for live cams; we&8217;re keeping them off the front page because we&8217;ll be talking a lot about the big fire: Share Thishttp://westseattleblog.com/blog/?p=2799 Freeway Fright 07: Tomorrow could be tough. Really. - August 17, 2007WSDOT says really, they mean it, they&8217;re closing that extra lane tonight and only two lanes will be open through The Construction Zone tomorrow morning. Here&8217;s their diagram of how everything will be configured, tomorrow and beyond. Share Thishttp://westseattleblog.com/blog/?p=2796 Freeway Fright 07: No commentary, just the cams - August 16, 2007This morning, we&8217;re trying alternative transportation, so no commute commentary, don&8217;t everyone boo all together. But here are those six live cams again, with a few random notes below &8230; (l to r below: latest from cams over WS Bridge midspan looking east, WS Br. I-5 ramps, I-5 Spokane Street in whichever direction WSDOT chooses ...http://westseattleblog.com/blog/?p=2788 |