The Hammond Report » taxesA Lunch Pail Conservative promoting and defending Conservatism while exposing and poking fun at LiberalismThe Poor Subsidize the Rich!!- October 22, 2007 Scoop did an excellent job in his post debunking Richard Buley's opinion piece that appeared in the print version of the Missoulian Sunday, October 21. When I read the piece I saw a couple of things Mr. Buley asserted that I want to address. First is his assertion that the poor are subsidizing the rich. ... Podcast Episode 4 Andy's Journey from Liberal Leaning to the Conservative he is Today- October 12, 2007 This is my first episode without a script, scary! I have a silly intro then go into my journey from being a Liberal leaning moderate to the Conservative I am today. I finish up with a bit of a ramble on debate which I plan on exploring further in a future episode. |