Sun Microsystems, Inc: Idm Buzz TvWelcome to the Sun Microsystems digital multimedia center. Here you will find broadcasts covering featured topics, news, announcements, and events. Learn how Sun is driving innovation by viewing videos online or subscribing to podcast feeds.Role Management Case Studies- February 28, 2008 Hear about the methodology and two typical customer examples from role management experts, Nick Crown and Kevin Gallagher. (7:52) Acquisition of Vaau- February 28, 2008 Sachin Nayyar, the Founder of Vaau, talks about Sun's acquisition of the market-leading enterprise role management company. (6:42) What is Role Management- February 28, 2008 Sun experts, Nick Crown and Sachin Nayyar, discuss what role management is and why you should care. (8:11) The hype around GRC- February 28, 2008 Identity Management leaders Nick Crown and Julio Tapia explore the hype around GRC. (5:10) Sun's identity management strategy- February 28, 2008 Liz Matthews, Sun's Sr. Director of Software Marketing, talks to Julio Tapia about Sun's identity management strategy. (4:46) Sun-on-Sun: Eating Our Own Dog Food- February 21, 2008 In this episode, Daniel Raskin and Yvonne Wilson--Sun IT Director--present a case study of how Sun IT implemented federation within its own infrastructure. (6:44) |