The Marty Roberts Show on Israel News RadioThe Marty Roberts Show on Israel News Radio - Direct From Israel The latest Israel news, information and commentary, direct from Israel, on-demand. Radio shows on Israel, Judaism, Torah, Bible, aliyah and more. News, information and commentary-with host Marty Roberts. Features about science, health, humor, the arts and religion-ALL in and about Israel.What's in a Name..Names and Places in the Torah..And Around the World- July 25, 2007 What's in a Name..Names and Places in the Torah..And Around the WorldWhy take up so much space in the Bible with so many boring lists...An interesting explanation, with some help from Rabbi Berel Wein...Also...A street named Arafat...David Ben Gurion Street... Peace, Peace, but There is no Peace..Conferences Galore- July 20, 2007 Peace, Peace, but There is no Peace..Conferences GaloreBush plans for peace, while Israel's enemies organize for war...George W seems to be dreaming again...And Tony Blair is "imagining", or, should that be "hallucinating"...Plus...Israel releases 256 murderous... Going Kosher in America..It's All the Rage in Hollywood Now- July 13, 2007 Going Kosher in America..It's All the Rage in Hollywood NowWhat's behind the American Hollywood "Kosher Revolution"...If it's good enough for Madonna, Paris Hilton, Borat, Donald Trump and Bono, what could be bad...Apparently they don't agree in England...Or... New Israeli Arrivals: North American Olim, Harry Potter and Arab Enemies (maybe)- July 10, 2007 New Israeli Arrivals: North American Olim, Harry Potter and Arab Enemies (maybe)A record year for North American aliyah immigration is on the way...But the tightest security seems to be for the Harry Potter books that arrived this week...Coverage of the festivities...And...Another... Is the Final Redemption, the "End of Days" Imminent- July 6, 2007 Is the Final Redemption, the "End of Days" ImminentIf Armageddon is just around the corner, can Messiah be far behind...With the help of Rabbi Pinchas Winston and talmudic and biblical sources, we look at the "Redemption" "End-of-Days" scenario from a Jewish... Neuroeconomics Proves It..Giving Charity (Tzedakah) Gets You "High"- July 3, 2007 Neuroeconomics Proves It..Giving Charity (Tzedakah) Gets You "High"It's as good as illegal drugs...Also...Marty's Aliyah Anniversary...It all began sixteen years ago today...And we're headed for another record year of North American aliyah...What do the rabbis... |