The BileBlogIf you have nothing bad to say, say nothingByebye- March 26, 2007 I've had enough of JRoller, you're only reading this because you're subscribed via RSS and are a lazy turd. If you were clever, you'd know that you need to change your subscription to http:feeds.feedburner.combileblog instead. The site itself has moved to www.bileblog.org TSSJS: I'ma l33t Arkeetektor I pwn j00!- March 22, 2007 The last talk I went to today is Enterprise App Mashup: Architecting the Future by Eugene Ciurana. Of course, the talk is as fluffy and pointless as I had expected. I walked in late because the likelihood of anything vaguely interesting being said was fairly negligible. The one thing Eugene does excel at is name dropping. Whatever he did at walmart clearly involved next to no 'real' world, and a lot of musing and faffing about with whatever toys happened to catch his fancy. In many ways, it's. TSSJS: Advanced JPA- March 21, 2007 Sometimes I'm a bit of a glutton for punishment. You'd think that after attending so many conferences, seeing so many JPA drivel talks, I'd stop. Alas, I can't seem to help myself. and am dismayed to find myself sitting in Advanced Topics in JPA by Mark Richards. It's evident that the use of the word 'advanced' was somewhat liberal in this case. All we've done so far (20 minutes in the talk) is discuss the joys of join tables, entity relationships and how to define them. I shudder to think of.. Another year, another TSSJS- March 21, 2007 Depressingly, despite making a somewhat valiant attempt to get enough sleep, the night before TSS ended with the usual mix of drinking, stumbling about helplessly, and stay up until 3:30am. Last year the question to inflict on poor unsuspecting victims was 'have you masturbated on a plane', which surprisingly 50% of people seem to have done. This year I'm hoping to get a good list going with 'what deviant sexual act would you pay $10 to see if it were socially acceptable'. The keynote in the... XML wiring is for girls- March 14, 2007 The fact that XML is, basically, a steaming pile of goatshit is not news. Many many people know this now, yet you have an awful number of people eager to grab a hold of some xml and perform deviant sexual activities in it, around it, and in between its elements. The problem is that there are some good ideas out there that happen to use xml. Even though xml has nothing to do with the quality of the idea, xml somehow gets credit. This has become quite apparent lately when participating in some.. |