The BileBlogIf you have nothing bad to say, say nothingDodgy benchmarks- January 31, 2007 For anyone following JavaBlogs, you've probably skimmed over a bunch of Sri Lankan shirtlifters cooing recently about a highly dodgy benchmark that somehow proves that Axis2 is faster than XFire. These turds are of course the same bunch of clowns who are very busy plopping their tagnuts all over the WS- racket at Apache. The benchmark is by none other than WSO2; the company that effectively owns Axis2. What's interesting about this benchmark is that it manages to compare apples with oranges,... What makes for a good JavaOne submission- January 26, 2007 For some inexplicable reason, I'm one of the external reviewers for this year's JavaOne EE and Web tracks. The one thing that's utterly perplexing about it is the dire quality of some submissions. Tempting as it might be, I'm not going to name names. I'm not going to point out how many vendors pitches there are, or how much they suck. Instead I'm going to try and understand what on earth some submitters were thinking. For vendors, honestly, what were you thinking Do you think the people... |