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Feed items 1 - 7 of 7 for January 2004

the Couch

Come on in and sit a spell. We can talk about anything in here, and we generally do. Psychology, philosophy, politics and polemics (and religion) are the usual fare, but feel free to throw in something new.

"TO WESLEY CLARK!" - January 28, 2004

I don't understand it myself, but you should go to this Fark thread and check this weird shit out. Highlights: 2004-01-27 08:36:20 PM odinsposse TO WESLEY CLARK!! He once ate fifty eggs in an hour. He jackknifed John Ashcroft for the street cred. His recovery from prostrate surgery was...

I got your magical realism' right here ... - January 26, 2004

I cannot recommend the animé movie Millennium Actress (dir. Kon Satoshi of Perfect Blue fame—he has a new one out called Tokyo Godfathers which I can't wait to see.) highly enough. Millennium Actress follows a documentary filmmaker as he attempts to complete a film on one of Japan's greatest actresses,...

Hmmm.... - January 26, 2004

...I just noticed that anyone who is foolish enough to allow me to pay them by check will give me their bank account number when they endorse the check and it's scanned, and the image sent to a database which I can access over the Internet. There's a security hole...

Visceral pleasure - January 24, 2004

The best bit from a FARK thread on the resignation of the head of WMD-hunting in Iraq: ...and for all you people that are still desperately frothing at the fucking mouth trying to equate Saddam Hussein with Adolph Hitler, or the Iraq War with WWII, please feel free to shut...

Stress - January 23, 2004

I feel disjointed today, not in the Kafka-stream-of-consciousness sense, but in the fried-chicken sense. I'd love to write something worthwhile today, but all I can come up with is random link-vomiting. I'm currently trying to figure out how to balance 40 hours in the office (plus nine or ten hours...

What ... the hell ... was that, Howard - January 21, 2004

I didn't get to hear it until this morning on NPR, but Howard Dean's post-Iowa "YEAGH" was well worth the wait. I instantly broke into a fit of giggles. Marc immediately lost his mind over it (but he doesn't have permalinks, so you'll just have to scroll down.) Matt Drudge,...

Never forget.... - January 16, 2004

As the primaries approach, I keep having this recurring nightmare.... Gods, not again .... (Original Dukakis-in-tank photo '); >; original Dean photo '); >.)...
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