The Dating WeblogInsights into the online content businessWin a Copy of He's Just Not That Into You- April 30, 2008 Have you read the book, He&39;s Just Not That Into You It&39;s a great dating advice book from Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo. The book, in case you aren&39;t familiar, came about from an episode of Sex and the City, where the character of Miranda wonders about a date she had where the guy didn&39;t follow up with a girl. Carrie&39;s boyfriend at the time, Burger, tells her simply that the reason the guy didn&39;t call was that he "just wasn&39;t that into you." Miranda thinks this is the... Sex in the City Movie- April 28, 2008 Are you looking forward to the new Sex in the City movie coming out next month I know tons of gals (and even guys) who are anxiously awaiting the movie&39;s release. I came to the show late (seeing the heavily edited version on TBS rather than HBO) and was surprised to find that I instantly got into it. I say "surprised" because, as a dating writer, I think the show gives dating a bad name. I know a few gals who feel worse about their life after watching it, because they don&39;t jump in the... Dating & Disappointment- April 25, 2008 Caught this tidbit about Rene Zellweger, and I wonder how many of you feel the same. It says she&39;s sick of dating and pretty much becoming a loner right now. The source quotes a friend as saying: "She has been hurt in the past and is scared of another failed relationship. She does want to meet someone, but she isn&39;t going out enough to meet new people." How many of us can relate to that What I want to say to Renee (and the rest of the folks who might feel the same way) is that we&39;ve.. Dating Advice for Guys- April 23, 2008 I don&39;t know about you, but when I see one guy giving lame dating advice to another it really irks me. After all, these are the same guys who are going to ask me or a friend out, and if he&39;s following what he THINKS we&39;ll like rather than what we really like, it&39;s going to make for a long night for both of us. In my opinion, women give the best advice when it comes to dating because we know what we want. We want someone funny, honest, respectful, ambitious, sweet, and on and on... A New Dating Network- April 21, 2008 Many people feel the best way to meet people is by an introduction through their friends. But what about their extended network What if you had access to everyone they knew, and could introduce yourself much the same way that you do online That&39;s the question behind Sparkbliss, a networking site for the dating world. The site compares itself to the business networking site LinkedIn, and claims that "evidence suggests your social network is the key to bringing together individuals of... Boomer Dating TV- April 18, 2008 For those over 50, there is a new site to meet people called Boomer Dating TV, which is an online dating service that offers baby boomers a way to introduce themselves via video. Think: video dating meets the Internet. Boomer Dating TV has announced the live beta launch of sites in Arizona and Florida. Personally, I think this is a great trend and hope it continues to each segment of online dating. Any additional information sites can provides people about profiles and the folks behind them. You're a Winner! In More Ways Than One- April 16, 2008 I&39;ll bet you never thought your passion for video games could net you a spouse, did you Usually it can&39;t, but this young programmer decided to ask his girlfriend to marry him by hacking into her game of Bejeweled. When she reached a certain score, a request for marriage, along with a ring, popped up on the screen. Aww...... I was delighted to see that the company that makes Bejeweled was so touched by the news that they are flying the couple out to Seattle for their honeymoon, and... Face Forward- April 14, 2008 There&39;s a lot that goes on with the chemistry between mates. Many times we based our opinions on whether or not to go out with someone based on our first impressions alone. But a new British study of 700 heterosexual volunteers suggests we can "discern another person&39;s attitude toward sexual relationships just by looking at his or her face. Do you believe that I think partly we do, but as soon as we talk to the person and get to know them we change our impression. This is normal. After.. Choosing a Screen Name- April 11, 2008 Do screen names in online dating matter Maybe. I don&39;t think, for example, you should put clichd or negative screen names on your profile, such as "NeedLove" or "YourDreamMan." Bleck. That&39;s why I disagree with this guy, who supposedly did research in order to figure out names such as "fun2bwith" or "I&39;msweet" "were ranked top by both men and women daters as those they would most like to contact." The problem I have with this survey is that it&39;s hypothetical. So if you&39;re... Who Gets the Friends in a Breakup- April 9, 2008 If you break up, do you get to keep your friends This can be a tricky question. Especially if you&39;ve been a couple a while and you have "couple friends." I never would have given this a second thought when I was dating before. Now that I&39;m in a couple, however, I can see where this might be an issue. After all, there are some friends you go out with simply because the four of you get along. Would you be friends with one or both of these folks if you weren&39;t in a couple And if you... |