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Feed items 11 - 15 of 15 for May 2008

The Dating Weblog

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The Higher Costs of Single Living - May 13, 2008

Being single can mean many things: fun, spontaneity, independence, loneliness, and even higher living costs. A new article from the Guardian UK says "Who Can Afford to Be Single Now" It talks about a subject that many married people just don&39;t seem to get, that being alone means you have to handle the bills yourself. That often means higher energy bills, food bills, and then there&39;s that little detail of paying to go out in order to meet someone new! The other thing is that singles...

Little Ways to Say I Love You - May 9, 2008

We all want the best relationships possible, don&39;t we Often times, it&39;s the simplest of things that can throw a relationship off track, or for that matter, keep it solid. This is true whether your relationship is with your spouse, someone you are dating, or a friend. I came across this article on "7 Ways to Improve Your Relationship" and think its great advice. It certainly follows the subject matter we&39;ve been discussing. We talked about kindness and break ups recently, but what...

Winner of He's Just Not That Into You - May 7, 2008

Well after reading all the entries for the He&39;s Just Not That Into You book I have to say we&39;ve all had some harsh break ups! I actually cringed upon reading them. Yikes! Thank you all for sharing your stories. I received notes saying their ex broke up with them via text message. Some had their friends do their dirty work for them. But by and far the worst way to learn about your break up is simply by not hearing from your boyfriend or girlfriend. I don&39;t understand why people...

Singles by Zip Code - May 5, 2008

Singles have tons of great ways to meet people today, but this idea is really unique. A new service allows folks to see how many singles reside in a zip code. So if you&39;re looking to move, you can do a quick check to see if there are available guys or girls in your desired living location. Now, here&39;s the problem with this. You can live by available people, but the key is meeting them. So you&39;d still have to be active in clubs, go grocery shopping, or even go on the Internet in...

Dissed Want to know why - May 2, 2008

We&39;ve been talking lately at The Dating Weblog about getting dumped. As if it isn&39;t bad enough when it happens, there are times when you might even wonder "what happened" If things seemed to be going along fine, or if you thought you&39;d at least work it out, why then does the other person just want out More than that, why does someone just stop calling I&39;ll admit I&39;ve been dumped this way, and wanted to tell the guy, "Why didn&39;t you just tell me you weren&39;t interested...
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