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Feed items 1 - 10 of 11 for October 2003

TheoBlogical Community

The Blog that took over New Media Communications  A place to reflect and connect on the subject of Theological Community and Online Community

Movable Type Blog will be my main home - October 30, 2003

One of the major reasons why I'm abandoning Radio is what just happened for the Nth number of times: before I'm done writing my post,  the window closes and refreshes, killing my post.  I was writing to say I have posted in my Movable Type blog at Movable Theoblogical,  and will rarely post here anymore,  except for a few reminders of those who still subscribe here to change their RSS listing for me over to my MT feed.

Another Cluetrain-like Rant - October 18, 2003

A fairly substantial and important rant ,  if I can say so myself.  I did it over on my MT blog ,  entitled Cluetrain and Theoblogical

Lessig in Wired 11.11: The New Road to the White House - October 18, 2003

Great piece in WIRED by Lessig on blogs and poliics A managed community works about as well as a managed economy. So the challenge is to find a way to build community without the community feeling built. The article's message is that Open Source is what works.  It seems the Church can learn here from the power of the movement in the software world. will absolutely suffocate anything that you're trying to do on the Internet by trying to command and control it... Part of how...

Weblogsky - Reflections on Our Present Discontents - October 18, 2003

Weblogsky points to: The Internet: Reflections on Our Present DiscontentsIn NetFuture, Stephen L. Talbott explores the impact of our thinking about the Internet, or perhaps our lack of the kind of thinking that puts it into the right perspective relative to our communal, social context. He argues that the supposed efficiency of the Internet should not be seen as a goal in itself, apart from our values, concluding that the Internet can be the expression of a healthy society &150; or society can.

Resistance to Change Leads to Irrelevance - October 18, 2003

If you don&146;t like change, you&146;re going to like irrelevance even less --- General Eric Shinseki, Chief of Staff, U. S. Army  This is one of the quotes from a Tom Peters book shown in an ad I saw in WIRED yesterday. I thought it hit dead on the Church's technology problem.   Read it over on my MT blog

Check me out over in my MT Blog - October 17, 2003

Last night I added an entry here,  and as has happened with increasingly regularity using Radio Userland,  the window closed and I lost my post.   So I did the entry over in my Movable Type blog.   I'll be doing that as my regular routine until (and if) this ever gets resolved.  Radio is about to lose me forever.  If I hadn't done so much in Radio that I just can't find time to "convert" (ie. all the links to my internal articles using Radio's shortcut...

I'll be blogging this week over on my MT Blog - October 11, 2003

Starting today and for the next several days I'll be blogging in my MT Blog (Movable Theoblogical).  RSS subscribers may want to add that change (Syndicate it).   I may well just end up leaving it that way,  I've been having so many wierd problems.  So head on over (there's always a link here to the right)

The Right Christians - October 10, 2003

The sub-title of this site is a quote from Al Sharpton (who is unaffiliated with this site, but they liked what he said),  which is this: "It's time for the Chritian Right to meet the right Christians."   I like it as well.  I found The Right Christians via Mike James' Tread Lightly on the Things of Earth blog,  which I have added to my RSS feed and Blogroll.

Starting to understand Flash MX 2004 Actionscripting - October 10, 2003

The Flash books I mention below are 7,  as follows: 2 O'Reilly books: Actionscript for Flash MX Second edition, and ActionsScript Cookbook. Peachpit Press: Macromedia Flash MX Advanced Flash MX Savvy (Sybex) Flash MX Actionscript Bible (Wiley) MaranGraphicsHungry Minds "Visual" series: Flash Actionscript (just noticed it uses Flash 5 Actionscripting) I also bought another O'reilly book, Amazon Hacks I was in a hurry to find some immediate help on some MovieClip code I need...

Flash Actionscript books - October 10, 2003

I just picked up a whole slew of Flash books, specifically on Actioncript. In taking an online course on Flash MX 2004, I learned much, not the least of which was how powerful Actionscripting is. The new 2004 interface promises to be a good way to learn a bunch of Actionscript, with its "Forms Based" Flash app editor, and the components panel.
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