The Word Guy from Creators SyndicateCreators Syndicate is an international syndication company that represents cartoonists and columnists of the highest caliber.Moving Forward Not So Much for 07302008- July 30, 2008 Have you noticed that no one says "in the future" anymore Now the trendy term is "moving forward," as in, "Moving forward, we plan to open eight new stores." Barack Obama loves the phrase; he has more "moves forward" than an NFL running back. And then there's the very forward-thinking Connecticut architect who recently said of a renovation ... Updated: Wed Jul 30, 2008 Disinterested Judge Judges 'Disinterested' for 07232008- July 23, 2008 Hear ye! Hear ye! The Word Court is now in session, the Honorable Robert S. Kyff presiding. Today, the court will hear two cases: Disinterested v. Uninterested The facts: Strictly, "disinterested" means "impartial, free from selfish motives," while "uninterested" means "not interested." A judge, for instance, should be "disinterested&qu ... Updated: Wed Jul 23, 2008 No Penalty for Clipping for 07162008- July 16, 2008 We love to cut words down to size. When the term "mobile vulgus" became unruly, we chopped it to "mob." When "pantaloons" seemed a few sizes too big, we tucked it to "pants." When "abdominals" bulged, we buffed it to "abs." Speaking of abs, here's a trim six pack: cab (cabriolet), gab (gabble), bra (brassire), deb (debutante), ... Updated: Wed Jul 16, 2008 Sit for a Spell for 07092008- July 9, 2008 Double trouble! Can you select the correct spellings for each pair of words in these sentences 1. We spotted a (gray, grey) squirrel being chased by a (grayhound, greyhound). 2. The (grandad, granddad) played chess with his (grandaughter, granddaughter). 3. We stopped at the (newstand, newsstand) at (nightime, nighttime). 4. The (sheriff, sherriff) tried to impose a ... Updated: Wed Jul 09, 2008 Cool Off with a Babbling Book for 07022008- July 2, 2008 For word lovers, the summer of 2008 arrives with a refreshing splash of beach books, lakeshore lexicons and poolside paperbacks. In "The Prodigal Tongue — Dispatches from the Future of English" (Houghton Mifflin, $25), Mark Abley predicts that by 2015, half the world's population will be learning or speaking English. This lively, anecdotal book reports, for instance, that ... Updated: Wed Jul 02, 2008 |