The Trii-Zine EzineYour Trusted Source For Internet Business & Marketing Related Information<br>ISSN# 1555-2276Have You Really Been Scammed- April 21, 2008 What Constitutes a Scam Trina L.C. Sonnenberg Let's start off by pulling out the dictionary, and getting the definition according to Webster. NOUN: a fraudulent or deceptive act or operation VERB: 1 : deceive, defraud 2 : to obtain (as money) by a scam Now that we know what Webster considered a scam, let us examine what many Internet marketers think of as a scam; because, I think there is a difference of opinion on this topic. READ MORE COMMENT HTML Tip...- April 18, 2008 What to Do When Preparing Copy for the Web Trina L.C. Sonnenberg Do you visit web pages, blogs, or receive email that have crazy looking characters in them I'm talking about strange symbols and characters that seem to take the place of punctuation. (You know... these things: â € æ )These characters can make it difficult to read the copy. That being the case, if you are posting content, or sending email, you should take special care to avoid this situation, and it is easier.. |