Travel talk with Beth WhitmanFrom the unusual to the serious, globe trotter Beth Whitman brings you information pertinent to your travel plans whether in the Pacific Northwest or around the world.Where the Hell is Matt Wide World Books- August 28, 2008 Dance your way on over to Wide World Books on Tuesday night 'cause Matt Harding's going to be there to show his world-wide dancing video and to let everyone know just where in the world he's been. Eco-Friendly Travel: Take the Metro... PLEASE- August 27, 2008 Bangkok at rush hour Lonely Planet Photo Competition - Do I Win- August 25, 2008 Luxembourg Gardens in Paris Travel Slippers for the Vegan in Us All- August 20, 2008 When I was at the Outdoor Retailer Show a couple of weeks ago in Salt Lake City, I spent quite a bit of time just walking the floor of this enormous trade show to see what's new on the market. Alison Wright Speaks in Seattle- August 18, 2008 Internationally renowned photojournalist Alison Wright was in a serious bus accident in Laos in 2000. She was nearly killed in that accident but was miraculously rescued by a British aid worker. Habib Koite Opens at Jazz Alley Tonight- August 14, 2008 Malian guitar master, Habib Koite is opening a four-night run at Jazz Alley tonight. He'll be performing with his band, Bamada, at 7:30 and 9:30 through Saturday and at 7:30 on Sunday. Car Seats, Camels and Kira- August 11, 2008 Don't miss out on these author readings this week in the Seattle area! Summer Olympics - Phooey - I joined the U.S. bobsled team- August 8, 2008 I'm in Salt Lake City this week for the Outdoor Retailer Show which starts today. |