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Feed items 1 - 5 of 5 for November 2007

baby | Kris Smith has read these articles about "baby" |

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Gen-X Parents from Hell -- the 100-word version San Francisco - November 22, 2007

In this week's Bay Guardian cover story, a new mother laments the transition of San Francisco hipsters into -- surprise -- rich white parents.The city has become overrun with decaf-latte-sipping, thousand-dollar-stroller-pushing, CFO-Noe-Valley-ish, overly together supermoms. The baby boom is really a parent boom -- Gen-Xers with money, an uptick in showy, hyperactive parenting. We have the lowest child population of any American city. Of SF's 100,000 children, most reside in the city's...

Black Friday at Offers $3.99 DVDs Dealzmodo - November 16, 2007

The Black Friday madness continues! has gotten into the swing of things a bit early, offering $3.99 DVDs. Sure you might be a hi def guy, but four DVDs would go a long way to stuffing a stocking. Granted, a lot of the movies are crap, but here are a few we either own already or would be happy to pick up:Enemy at the Gates (2001) - DVD T2 The Extreme DVD Edition (1991) - DVD Once Upon a Time in the West (1969) - DVD Frailty (2002) - DVD Rosemary's Baby (1968) - DVD First Blood ...

MIX'08: Vegas Baby,Vegas - November 9, 2007

"You are so Money', you don't even know how Money' you are!" - Trent Walker, Swingers Registration has opened today for MIX'08. Slated to invade the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas on March 5 - 7, 2007. In it's short tenure (this is 3), MIX has become one of the top destinations ...Tags: vegas mix money march las

Remember the social camera - November 5, 2007

In June, on a trip to Italy, I wanted a copy of a picture a stranger was taking. "What if his camera, as it was taking the picture, also broadcast the bits to every other camera in range. My camera, sitting in my napsack would detect a picture being broadcast, and would capture it. (Or my cell phone, or iPod.)" Then on August 29, a review in the NY Times of the Fujifilm Z10fd said it could beam photos to other cameras that support the IRSimple protocol. Unfortunately the camera wouldn't ship...

Revver Launches Revver 2.0 - November 2, 2007

The Baby falls over and Revver launches 2.0Now go upload something there,send me a link and tell me how you are making money with online video.Subscribe in a readerTags: revver launches online video subscribe
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