AMEE - The world's energy meterThe world's energy meterLondon internet companies in the news- July 30, 2008 Thanks to Matt Biddulph at dopplr, AMEE has been referenced in the Evening Standard and the Financial Times as being part of the &8220;Silicon Roundabout&8221; that is emerging around Old St. in London. Click here for the full Map EEDA - Cut your carbon version 2- July 18, 2008 The Cut your Carbon website, is currently up for tender. A key element of the tender is: &8220;Further development of the website is likely to involve upgrades and improvements to the community carbon calculator. As such, it is envisaged that the supplier will have a thorough knowledge of carbon calculators ... Tom Watson MP - Greening Government ICT- July 17, 2008 The strategy, &8220;Greening Government ICT: Efficient, Sustainable, Responsible&8221;, is the first step in setting out what Government could and should be doing to improve the carbon footprint of its ICT. &8220;The UK public sector spends at least 12 billion a year on ICT and are the largest user in the UK by a significant margin. ... UK Government show us a better way- July 4, 2008 The UK Cabinet Office have launched a 20,000 competition to create mash-ups with Government data, at AMEE is included as one of the Information Sources that can be used in this, and we&8217;d be very happy to help anyone who wants to try and create something, whether or not they win it! For more details about AMEE, ... |