The Times Blogumists » Jon CherryExclusive daily musings written by bloggers for The Times...Whatever happened to..- June 16, 2008 Do you remember that washing powder from years back called Good and Clean and Fresh The advertising jingle still makes a karaoke appearance at some braais after one too many drinks; &8216;It&8217;s good and clean and fresh&8230;trraaalala&8217;. It was great. Back in those days everybody used to sing that tune when they hit the detergent aisle of ... There is no such thing as a truly original creative idea- June 2, 2008 Advertising agencies have always proudly built their business models on the notion that they are producers of original creative ideas, which they sell to their clients to build their brands, help sell stuff and win awards. Ad people are stereotypically seen as being a bit off the wall. They tend to think laterally and pitch up ... |