THIS IS NOT MY COUNTRYThe only thing necessary for the persistence of evil is for enough good people to do nothing.Peace Blogging 2- September 26, 2008 Quaker Dave has the cutest Friday Peace Blogging pictures up on his site. Go and see them and don&8217;t forget to send in your own photos. Posted by Devious Diva at THIS IS NOT MY COUNTRY Peace Blogging 2 Quirky Meme- September 26, 2008 I was tagged by Ellasdevil for a meme that I did back in April. That was 7 quirks. This one is 5. I don&8217;t want to repeat myself (and I&8217;m not quirky enough to think of new ones), so here&8217;s the original meme. 1. I always have about three different tubes of toothpaste on the ... High Treason in Greece- September 23, 2008 UPDATE: Teacher Dude posted about this at Now Public where it has gained much interest (and disbelief) from readers. Following on from my post yesterday, I want to point out that what is happening to me (threats from nationalists and obnoxious comments) is nothing compared to what is happening to Panayote Dimitras from the Greek Helsinki ... Enemy of the State- September 22, 2008 Apologies to all my regular readers here. I am really busy with real life and have not had a chance to research and write properly. You&8217;ll be pleased to know that I have been elevated (again) to &8220;Enemy of the State&8221;. I have been linked to a Greek nationalist site (again) and have been flooded ... Open Thread 3- September 19, 2008 What&8217;s on your mind Here&8217;s another chance to have a rant (politely please), start a discussion, ask a question or tell us what you are up to. Posted by Devious Diva at THIS IS NOT MY COUNTRY Open Thread 3 News from Greece- September 16, 2008 I will be out all day so I leave you with links to the Athens News. Prejudice and racism continue in Greece. There have been some improvements over the last decade but as Jordian says Let&8217;s get real, there is a racism problem in Greece, and I can only imagine what people say about me behind my ... Peace Blogging- September 15, 2008 My friend, Quaker Dave, has a great project over at his blog. It&8217;s called Friday Peace Blogging and features a series of photographs of fellow bloggers &8220;doing the peace sign&8221;. Why not send in yours I have the pleasure of being included in the latest batch. Technorati Tags: peace, blogging, bloggers, activism Posted by Devious Diva ... Less Than 1% Petition- September 12, 2008 I am in the process of writing the petition for the campaign. Please read what I have so far and tell me what you think. I have never done this before and would really appreciate any advice you can offer. We, the undersigned, urge the leaders of Greece and the EU to respond to the current ... 911: Seven Years On- September 11, 2008 What I wrote two years ago, still stands. Seven years on Several wars later Countless lives lost and ruined I have only one thing to say: INCREASE THE PEACE Technorati Tags: 911, US, world, war, peace Posted by Devious Diva at THIS IS NOT MY COUNTRY 911: Seven Years On UN Expert in Greece- September 11, 2008 UN Independent Expert on minority issues commences visit to Greece 08 September 2008 Geneva: At the invitation of the Government Greece, the United Nations Independent Expert on minority issues, Ms. Gay McDougall, will undertake a country visit to Greece from 08 to 16 September 2008, The Independent Expert will consult with the senior Government officials, representatives ... |